WH Pool Report: OK, OK, We Get It Edition
This White House pool report suggests someone is more than a little worried about Bush's reputation in the wake of his falling off of his bike like a little girl. Consider the president's dining choice:
Potus and Flotus landed in Austin at 7: 20ish and headed off in the motorcade for dinner at Moonshine, a restaurant downtown described by the local Austin-American Statesman reporter as "eclectic" and not fancy and "somewhere I would go" with $12 entrees.
Clearly, a message is being sent. It's a regular people restaurant, not some fancy French place. In other words: The president is not a pussy.
But, still: "Eclectic"? That means it's gay, right?
Full report after the jump
Potus and Flotus landed in Austin at 7: 20ish and headed off in the motorcade for dinner at Moonshine, a restaurant downtown described by the local Austin-American Statesman reporter as "eclectic" and not fancy and "somewhere I would go" with $12 entrees. The pool is at a barbecue place nearby called Ironworks.
But here is what you really want: Presidential gore from the mountain biking mishap was not visible from the hazy distance of the pool area. However, careful scrutiny of digital photos taken on scene show the president with reddish abrasions on his chin and nose, and a band-aid and another abrasion on his right palm, which was raised in greeting - presumably to the guests on hand.
Julie Mason
Houston Chronicle