WH Pool Report: Only Allowed One Carry-On Edition
In this White House pool report, the Bush aides get swelled heads:
[O]n the tarmac in Wausau: Top aides all sported foam cheeseheads from the rally (with green and yellow bumper stickers reading "Wisconsin Is Bush Country"). A. Card, K. Rove, D. Bartlett, S. McLellan had theirs on as they climbed into front cabin of Air Force One. C. Rice and K. Hughes carried theirs on (maybe not their kind of fashion statement?)
Oh, the things you do to prove something's a swing state. . .
Full report after the jump.
From your humble pooler, Paul Farhi, Washington Post
Uneventful motorcade to airport in Wausau.One amusing sight (as the late, great Herb Caen used to say) on the tarmac in Wausau: Top aides all sported foam cheeseheads from the rally (with green and yellow bumper stickers reading "Wisconsin Is Bush Country"). A. Card, K. Rove, D. Bartlett, S. McLellan had theirs on as they climbed into front cabin of Air Force One. C. Rice and K. Hughes carried theirs on (maybe not their kind of fashion statement?)
Pre-debate note: Potus travelled from St. L airport to private residence. He's staying with the Brauer family (spelling per Scott Stanzel). He has stayed with family previously (dunno when), according to SS. House is in the city of Town & Country (that's what the sign sez), out in the wooded horse country, about 15 miles from downtown. Press van pulled up outside the Brauer place--it's huge, wooded, with rolling hills, a private lake. Couldn't see the house, but neighbors don't look too shabby. We got waved off at 6:08 p.m. That's all, all...