Say what you will about Steve Bannon, but the man sure does give good copy!
They’re going to crack Don Junior like an egg on national TV.
From your liver-spotted lips to God's ears, Steve! Also, too, what is it with this White House inviting the FAKE NEWS media in to inspect the dumpster fire up close? Did they think reporter Michael Wolff wouldn't print all the crazy shit he heard when they let him have the run of the White House and sat down for endless bitch'n'backstab sessions? The Guardian and now NBC have gotten their hands on hard copies of Wolff's book Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House (buy through the link and your Wonkette gets a cut) out next week. And it is full of crazy, incriminating shit!
God only knows who Trump will attack to take the focus off this steaming pile. (It is North Korea.) So let's enjoy the juicy gossip before the bombs start going off! Take it away, Steve-O! Tell us what you really think of DJ, Kush and Pauly's Trump Tower meeting with those Russians offering sexxxxxy Hillary dirt.
The three senior guys in the campaign thought it was a good idea to meet with a foreign government inside Trump Tower in the conference room on the 25th floor – with no lawyers. They didn’t have any lawyers.
Even if you thought that this was not treasonous, or unpatriotic, or bad shit, and I happen to think it’s all of that, you should have called the FBI immediately.
Shut the front door! We actually agree with the Chief Dominatrix at Dead Breitbart's Brooks Brothers Dungeon. Well, kind of. Bannon is totally down with colluding with Russia to throw the election, but you have to fob that treason shit off on your lawyers! DUH!
Bannon went on, Wolff writes, to say that if any such meeting had to take place, it should have been set up “in a Holiday Inn in Manchester, New Hampshire, with your lawyers who meet with these people”. Any information, he said, could then be “dump[ed] … down to Breitbart or something like that, or maybe some other more legitimate publication”.
Bannon added: “You never see it, you never know it, because you don’t need to … But that’s the brain trust that they had.”
Hello! Get the help to wash yourstolen datalaundry! Does he have to tell you dipshits everything? And get that Glenn Greenwald guy to publish it -- he's got a raging hard-on for Hillary anyway. Or, maybe, WikiLeaks! (Which is what they did.) You start the ball rolling in a "legitimate publication," then you have Breitbart run a million hit pieces. Buncha fucking one-shirt amateurs!
And Jesus, don't tell the Old Man about it! At least these morons know that much, right Steve?
SIREN: "Steve Bannon was certain that after the (July 2016 Trump Tower) meeting, Trump, Jr. had taken the participants to see his father," per excerpts from new Michael Wolff book, "Fire & Fury."
Trump has claimed he was unaware any meeting with Russians took place.
— Peter Alexander (@PeterAlexander) January 3, 2018
NEW: Here's the Bannon quote regarding the July 2016 Trump Tower meeting: "The chance that Don Jr. did not walk these Jumos up to his father’s office of the 26th floor is zero,” per "Fire & Fury." (pg. 255)
— Peter Alexander (@PeterAlexander) January 3, 2018
Of course they didn't.
So will this investigation be wrapping up in the next few weeks like Trump's lawyers have been saying for months now? Will Trump be exonerated?
“You realise where this is going,” [Bannon] is quoted as saying. “This is all about money laundering. Mueller chose [senior prosecutor Andrew] Weissmann first and he is a money-laundering guy. Their path to fucking Trump goes right through Paul Manafort, Don Jr and Jared Kushner … It’s as plain as a hair on your face.” [...]
“It goes through Deutsche Bank and all the Kushner shit. The Kushner shit is greasy. They’re going to go right through that. They’re going to roll those two guys up and say play me or trade me.”
Huh. So all those Breitbart hit pieces on Mueller are just bullshit propaganda since Trump's going down for money laundering? What a coincidence! That lines up exactly with what those Fusion GPS guys said this morning in the Times . Guess the mothership will just have to concentrate on the greasy Kushner angle instead.

That train is never late! The Breitbart commenters HAZ A CONFUZ about this apparent betrayal of Chairman MAGA by Steve Bannon, but they perk right up if there's Jew-hatin' to be done.
The rancour between Bannon and “Javanka” – Kushner and his wife Ivanka Trump – is a recurring theme of the book. Kushner and Ivanka are Jewish. Henry Kissinger, the former secretary of state, is quoted as saying: “It is a war between the Jews and the non-Jews.”
Well, that's just great. Trump's going down and THE GREASY JOOZ are to blame.
Anything else Steve? Were you perhaps in the loop on all the dirty Russia treason funtimes? After all, you were campaign manager while Cambridge Analytica -- on whose board you sat -- was working its disinformatzya magic. You were Trump's most trusted advisor. He never mentioned the Russia stuff?
[Bannon] insists that he knows no Russians, will not be a witness, will not hire a lawyer and will not appear on national television answering questions.
And there you have it: Steve Bannon loves to destroy everything, hates Jared Kushner, and is smarter than all you fucking idiots. What's that in his mouth there? Why, we do believe it's his cock.
y'all, this week is CRAZY! Please money us!
Follow your FDF on Twitter!
[ The Guardian ]
Great now I have to find that clip thanks a lot I was hoping to go to bed but nope.
Buncha fucking one-shirt amateurs!
Thank you, F$F. Almost choked on a nice honey lager at that ('cause I wasn't going to spit it out).
What makes the joke so exquisite is that it works only on him and no one else.