So, the dEMOs and The Democrats (TM) going to roll over and Present on this one like they do, or are they going follow The Harris and Walz example and fight?

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A pony that deports everyone? MLP Gen V is very strange.

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They are trying to keep women from voting. Most women just take their husband's name, but don't change it legally. Some states change it legally when they file the marriage license. They are trying to screw women over every way they can. Get your documents ready, ladies!

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My aunt Barbara Sue had "Susan House" on her birth certificate but "Barbara Judge" on her driver's license when she applied for a passport and had to convince the Department of State that she was really the same person.

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biden could use his new powers to solve this, but he WON'T. Why not? why won't he take ACTION? He just won't. He'll let fascism win rather than raise his voice to his "friends" across the aisle. Damned wimp. Why hasn't he fired Garland long ago?

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I think I have a soon-to-be-expiring passport, but I have no idea if my birth certificate exists in paper form anywhere, and I couldn’t easily put my finger on it. We have voter registration for a reason, and until wingers prove there is an actual problem with illegal voting, they should focus on making American lives better and less on making shit up to frighten people.

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It will never cease to amaze me how these twats think that their shoving sticks into the spokes of our daily lives will convince us to agree with them.

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Haven't you figured out yet that they're perfectly happy to accept sticks in their spokes as long as they can see that sticks are also being (performatively) stuck in the spokes of certain demographics

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I will offer a guess that county recorders are not entirely prepared for a tsunami of birth certificate requests.

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Rammed thru just 6 weeks before a presidential election, no less. After they lose in November, let’s see if it remains a priority for them. They will be too busy with The Big Lie II: Bigger and Dumber, and sending love letters to Ma Lardo to comfort Trump’s ego.

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More likely, his cadre will be finding excuses to shoot up supermarkets and schools bc Durr Leader lost. The level of conservative political stochastic terrorism after the election is going to be huge whether the shitstained orange toddler wins or loses....

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Or before. I’m concerned voting places in blue counties will be targeted for terrorism, to attempt to chill the vote. I hope I’m wrong.

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A six-month spending bill would hamstring national security spending? I suddenly find myself very much in favor of something I was completely neutral on just minutes ago 😄

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Putin would also be very excited.

I would not be.

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It's worse than you think for Black Americans about birth certificates. Until the 1970s, and sometimes the 1980s, Black mothers in the South were often not admitted into (white) hospitals to birth their child, and often had to birth at home with a midwife. Which was not always documented as reliably as if they had birthed in a hospital.

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I might have to ask Fukui to pay my bar bill next month...

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Something I would like to see is the Democrats gaining control of the House and Senate and Harris in the White House. Congress then passes a bill that makes it federal law that if the budget deadline is reached without a new budget accepted, the government is automatically funded at the previous budget's level until a new budget is accepted. Basically, it would mean a continuing resolution would automatically apply, thus preventing the GOP from doing this EVERY time it comes up. Because they are the only ones doing it and they've shown they will CONTINUE to do it whenever they can.

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Oh, give it a 5% bump. Or 10%. Give them an incentive to get their fucking ducks in a row.

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“a six-month spending bill would hamstring national security spending,”

This little nugget says to me that they are hoping it hamstrings our homeland security forces. You know. The ones that help prevent insurrections or protect the capital. Or maybe I’m thinking wrong.

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🙏 ¿Sir will still have his protective contingent? 🙏

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Hopefully not.

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I want to feed my children with Mr Demi's federal government salary *every* week of the year, you fucking GOP assholes

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Pfft…Repugs don’t believe this is a real problem, except for a very few TRULY pigfuck stupid ones (WHAR BOXES?!?). They believe it is a way to reassure their Deplorables that they’ve got their backs, and will keep all those damn Browns from having a voice in national policy! The cynicism is truly turned up to 11.

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Spot on.

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When Democrats win all three Houses this November can we pass some kind of legislation making this budget bullshit end? Because shutting down the government is not really the government's business.

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Agree. Using a shut down as leverage to shoehorn republican wishlist items is beyond tiresome and should clearly be illegal. “We will vote to fund the government only if you also give us these completely unrelated things America doesn’t want or need.” Make the budget an automatic continuing resolution unless the parties agree on changes. That’s it.

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If they finally get rid of the filibuster, yes.

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There are almost 700,000 US citizens in county and city jails in the US, and more than half of them are eligible to vote because they haven't been convicted of a felony, but I guarantee you that 100% of them couldn't produce a birth certificate or passport on demand because they are IN JAIL and have no access to their personal records.

One woman I advocated for needed to sell her motorcycle to raise bail money, but that requires a copy of the title, and she did not know where it was and her family couldn't find it. There's a form to request a duplicate of the title which required her signature, but the jail would not allow me or any family member to drop the form off at the jail, they would only allow her public defender to drop it off for signing, and that public defender was so busy that they didn't get around to it for 8 months, by which time someone has stolen the motorcycle.

Also, the local county voter registration office has to reach out to jail inmates to allow them to vote absentee, and many county offices don't even bother. These folks are effectively disenfranchised because of jail rules and because they can't afford a private attorney.

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Again Australian election procedures; prisoners are entitled to vote if their sentence is less than (IIRC) 3.5 years. The Australian Electoral Commission ensures they get either a postal vote, or sets up a polling place in the jail on election day.

Everyone, no matter how long the sentence, is entitled to vote immediately they're released from jail. The only crime that permanently disenfranchises you is literal treason.

Americans deserve a better voting system.

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By that metric, we could disenfranchise the Jan 6th traitors....though IMO they should not have the facility to vote at all, bc real justice would have ensured that they'd never need to vote again.

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thank you for this post. I plan to contact the local Democratic office and see what happens in my county

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