Love love love Wonks! ❤️❤️❤️🌹🌹🌹

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I am always grateful for my cats! They make me get out of bed every day. I mean, literally. Dottie meows at me until I get my ass up and feed her. Having something or somebody to love is the greatest thing.

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Sometimes the smallest things can reset your mood: good coffee, a nice purry kitteh, or Wonkette.

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I'm grateful people like you and the wonkettes™ happen in my life. Thank$

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A late-middle-aged man who still dresses up like Angus Young and attends AC/DC concerts told me this, and it works:


Put on a good song and dance, shimmy, bop or simply move your shoulders in time around the bedroom or the bathroom for 30 seconds (NOT in the shower, obvs). I promise that will lift your mood tremendously - and you DON'T have to dress like Angus Young, either!

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My gratitude list is long and strong. I wake up grateful every morning that I'm with the love of my life. I got promoted at work, and my new supervisor is perfect for the job. I'm in excellent health and I love my life. My east village apartment may be a dump, but it's OUR dump, and looks out over a garden. My street is lined with trees. I belong to another garden in the middle of the block. I live in Vegan Central, with all kinds of stores and restaurants to cater to my needs. When I'm on the job, I'm helping HIV positive adults with the most important aspects of their lives: medical care, housing, benefits, etc. I get to share my life with the best Wonketteer, whom I met at a WonkMeet. We're really happy and planning our lives together. What could be better? Thanks for this post, Sara; it's great advice.

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I figured out how to pay my local Indigenous People's Land Tax, which makes me feel good-esque even though it's nowhere near enough to make up for living on stolen land. Still, it helps (me) to know they know I know.

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I woke up in a funk this morning, so this post was a perfect start to the day.

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My wife knitted me a matching hat and mittens set, just like Bernie's! I am hoping for a blizzard to check it out.

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Any scheme that combines the best of macaroni art and underpants gnomes' planning, well, you just HAVE to do that shit!

1. Make macaroni art

2. List on Etsy for a bazillion dollars

3. ???

4. PROFIT!!!

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I would like to see a photo of Polly the Demon Queen, please!

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ooh see my newsletter SARATONIN for MANY!

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Companion pets are good, find one that is especially affectionate.

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Ancient Eskimo Shaman wisdom states and I paraphrase "when a shit storm's a brewing exchange partners to confuse the evil spirits". I say why see a doctor when you can see a witch doctor? Of course often I follow up for a second opinion with a "real MD". But more often than not the Witchery properly applied does the job. Remember what you call the person who graduated the bottom of their class in medical school. DOCTOR! Is it me or am I right? You go to you GP and they listen to your symptoms and then they open a browser and the say some tomfoolery like "well John Hopkins says Kratom is bunk". To which I answer "well that has to do with who's Oxen is getting gored! I say in this case the pill mills and the doctors peddling their poisons". Trust me, these hacks are also the same shits handing out like candy the sample pills provided by the cheer leader looking pharmaceutical reps you always see in the waiting room. As you can guess I fire a lot of doctors. I was fortunate to inherent a huge collection of Physiology and Biophysics text books a couple of decades ago. I know how my body works at an l3vel most doctors forgot long ago. Great toliet reading. Remember a surgeon is just a fancy meat cutter. It is the anesthesiologist who is the real wizard in the room. As WSB's said "fucking Croakers". A actual good doctor is hard to find. Cherish keep them if you're lucky to find one. I apologize for my cynical and sardonic attitude about the medical profession. What once was a profession of quality has sunk to the level of practicing "Lawer Medicine". Seek out sole practices. They are out there. Medicine applied by committee is an evil beyond description. There are death panels, always have been. They decide who gets the next kidney. I'm fine with a hog kidney my self.

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This is all great advice and I agree that a list of things you are grateful for, while it may seem corny, it a great mental exercise.

I often forget I have so many things to be thankful for in my life and making lists like that (it’s how I start my journaling every day, with five things I am grateful for) helps me remember Good Things.

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When I feel down when I wake up I smoke some weed

I also do it when I wake up feeling fine.

It's a sure thing .

True fact - weed is proof that God exists and

She loves us and wants us to be happy.

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