When There's No More Room in Minneapolis, the Dead Will Walk DC

Golly, it didn't take long for someone to get cracking on that "city-wide Zombie Dance Party." Landless Theatre isplanning one three short months from now.
We are a local theatre company (visit www.landlesstheatre.org ) who is staging a production of Night Of The Living Dead in October. To promote this, we are going to host a Zombie-Thon - we are going to try to get as many people, dressed as Zombies, to march on Adams Morgan, ending up at a bar where the all undead rock group "The Diamond Dead" will be playing. Dates and locations to be announced. We are tying to build our list of possible Zombies to this event, so if you are interested in getting notifications about this, drop me a line.
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Totally Excellent Use of Funds [Wonkette]
Zombies Needed - Zombie-thon [Craigslist]
-- David Weigel