White House Gets Their Ethics "Refreshed"
The news that Harriet Miers would be leading the White House's "refresher" courses on ethics and the handling of classified documents made us wonder if she'd the same approach in the seminars are she did in her correspondence with George Bush. Perhaps she'll indulge in her penchant for Hallmark Greetings -- as we suspected she might had she gotten to the Supreme Court. It was have to be yet another new line, of course. Perhaps something like
W's enemies are sniping
You want to tell what we share
But keep you trap shut
No matter who sent whom to Niger
And this one, just for Scotty:
You can't blame David Gregory
He's got a leak fixation
But when he says "Scooter Libby"
You say "ongoing investigation."
And, of course, there will be condolences....
Are U.S. secrets the "most confidential ever!" or what? Presumably, nepotism is covered in a separate session.
White House gets ethics lesson [WT]
RELATED: "I'm Sorry.... You Can't Get an Abortion" [Wonkette]