Christian Nationalist Clown Wants To Send All The 'Devil Worshipers' To Jail
What? No witch trials?
This April, the Satanic Temple will be hosting SatanCon in Boston, Massachusetts, featuring a host of both serious and whimsical-sounding lectures and events, such as "'Devil's Food' with The Satanic Chef," "Public Records for Satan: Using FOIA to Fight Satanic Panic, from Grey Faction to Scottsdale," "Satanic Jeopardy!" and "Abortion as a (Religious) Right." There will even be an (Im)purity Ball.
Unsurprisingly, this has upset some people.
One of those people is white nationalist and Nick Fuentes acolyte Tyler L. Russell, the 22-year-old Canadian who initially emerged as the founder of a White Nationalist hate group called "Canada First." He has since moved (maybe?) to the States and switched to an "America First" platform and matching hat. So I suppose that would mean he is now ... "Canada Second"?
Anyway, he's real excited to be an American now and is ready to tell us how to do everything, including our Constitution. As our Constitution does allow for freedom of speech and freedom of religion, the Satanic Temple people are free to have their conference and do what they wilt (an' it harm none!) — but Tyler Russell doesn't like that.
Russell explained on a recent episode of his show that would like to see free speech be replaced by "a real America First Christian Government" that would outlaw Satanism and devil worship.
“White nationalist Tyler Russell wants to see "a real America First Christian government" take power and "make devil-worshiping illegal": "How about if you worship Satan, you go to jail?"”
— Right Wing Watch (@Right Wing Watch) 1674231183
You know if we have a real Christian government in power, a real America First Christian Government, we could make devil worshiping illegal. And people, you know, you’ll get these libertarians — the same libertarians, the same Redditors who will go up to this SatanCon 2023 thing, you’ll get these same people saying, ‘Oh well what about liberty and we need to be a free country! Even if I disagree with you that you should still be able to do it!’
How about no? How about if you worship Satan you go to jail? How about if you promote the devil you go to jail? How about that?
Yeah, no. That's not going to happen, least of all because the Satanic Temple doesn't actually do any "devil worshiping." They're mostly just aggressive atheists who like messing with theocrats.
While I tend to be cautious about "Just let them get crazier and and crazier then people will see how repulsive they are and stop voting Republican" advice, I do think Christian Nationalism is going to get old pretty quick. I hate to be shallow, but there will truly always be a contingent of people out there who will just go wherever they think the fun is, politically, and crying about how the country is not a weird theocracy is not very fun.
Ironically, these people actually could live in a Christian Nation where everyone is forced to worship Jesus, and their lives would not change at all ... because they spend most of their time on the internet, which is where the vast majority of people they are so mad about are located. People like this guy are not going out in the world, talking to and interacting with other human beings on a regular basis. The only people they know are their weird friends and the people they don't know but hate a whole lot.

Aw, poor baby
Thus, unless they had a closed internet like China, North Korea, or Iran, their lives would be basically the same. They would still be annoyed by the same people, they just wouldn't be sharing a country with them. Frankly, that sounds like it would benefit us a whole lot more than it would benefit them. Clearly the best solution for everyone involved is for Elon Musk to just send them to the moon or whatever and let them live out their weird, sad, internet-free days, while the rest of us continue to party (and also worship Satan, obviously).
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According to the fundie-evangelical-fascists Catholics aren't Christians because we worship and pray to idols. Not even the hard-line Trad Latin mass only Catholics are Christians.
I've been told many times by the fundie-evangelical-fascists that I'm going to hell and they'll pray for me to "repent and accept Jesus as my Lord and Savior."
A lot of them host their garbage on, Alex Jones' Rickety YouTube Rip-Off For Pathetic Loser Nazis. The average view numbers for a video there is like, 60 (no, that is not missing a 0). Jones is constantly screaming about his bandwidth fees, and most of it goes to propping up trash that doesn't even contribute to his bottom line. I'm starting to think he might not be good at business!