Who Is Posie Parker And Why Is She The Worst?
Please do not confuse her with Parker Posey, who is the best.
This weekend, there was a whole bunch of drama in the land down under when a whole bunch of Nazis showed up to an anti-transgender "Let Women Speak" rally in Victoria, Australia , did a whole bunch of Nazi salutes all over the place, and carried a giant banner reading “Destroy Paedo Freaks.”
They were eagerly welcomed by participants, some of whom even took cutesy pictures with them. The Nazis were at no point told to go home or to stop Heil-ing Hitler.
On the bright side, they were all outnumbered about two to one by counter-protesters.

Lady who spoke at Posie Parker's event taking a smiling selfie in front of neo-Nazis.
The event itself was organized by a woman named Kellie-Jay Keen, aka Posie Parker — not to be confused with the beautiful and talented Parker Posey, who is a national treasure and very much not a professional hatemonger — who you may have seen trending on social media.

GIF by Alex Bedder Giphy
So Who The Hell Is She?
Keen is a British lady who goes around doing some kind of half-assed Marilyn Monroe drag and screaming about how trans people are coming for her rights as a woman. Her right to vote? No. Her right to work? No. Her right to have an abortion? Nah. Her right to have her own credit card? Nope. Her right to have a bank account? No. Her right to fair pay? Nope, not that either.
As with other "gender critical feminists," her big issues are having to share physical spaces with trans women and the general fact that transgender people insist upon existing even though she's told them "no."
She's A Feminist? Really?
"Wait a second," you are perhaps thinking right now, "Why would feminists be hanging around with Nazis?"
Well, it's not really clear that she is a feminist, and I don't mean that in a gatekeeping, No True Scotsman kind of way. I mean that her only cause is not wanting to share dressing rooms with trans people, and if that makes one a feminist, then Matt Walsh is a feminist, which he obviously is not.
However, as unfortunate as this is, a lot of transphobic bullshit did start with certain kinds of radical feminists. Initially, they were called "TERFs," meaning Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminists" a term invented by cisgender radical feminists who simply did not wish to be conflated with the kind of radical feminists who hated trans women and wouldn't let them come to their special music festival. They didn't like the term, specifically because they did not feel that they should be considered their own separate thing within the sphere of radical feminism, and so came up with the term "gender critical feminist," which does not actually make any sense. Clearly it was a bit of a rush job.
Now, women who have no interest in feminism and frequently align themselves with the far right and extreme misogynists (like the admitted domestic abuser Keen posted an interview with Monday morning) will still call themselves "gender critical feminists" just because that's the term they settled on.
She made it very clear at her rally yesterday that she is totally okay with a man strangling a woman if that woman is interrupting someone giving a speech.
— (@)
Opposing actual violence against women, as opposed to hypothetical violence against women, is kind of the lowest feminist bar there is.
Who Were The Nazis?
The 30 or so Nazis who came to the rally were members of a group called the National Socialist Network, which was created by the merging of two other far-right groups, the Lads Society (seriously) and the Antipodean Resistance. Mostly they go around taking pictures of themselves doing Nazi salutes everywhere.
The leader of the group is Thomas Sewell, who previously led the Lads Society and in 2017 tried to recruit Brenton Harrison Tarrant — the perpetrator of the 2019 Christchurch mass shooting — to join, but was turned down. It was comparable to the Proud Boys in the US in that Sewell initially pretended it was simply a totally mainstream "fitness club" for men in hopes of getting men who were not Nazis to join up so that he could turn them into Nazis.
Is This Usual? Like Does She Usually Pal Around With Nazis?
Yep! This wasn't some one-off, "Oh my goodness who could imagine Nazis would show up to our nice rally that is definitely just about letting women speak!" situation. Keen has done interviews with far-right extremists such as white nationalist YouTuber Jean-François Gariépy , a move her supporters largely applauded. Because, hey, Nazis deserve protection from trans people, too (not kidding, that was the actual justification).
She's also been supportive of far-right weirdo Tommy Robinson, Norwegian Holocaust denier Hans Lysglimt Johansen, and has been in cahoots with the far-right Heritage Foundation in the United States.
Oh! And one of the speakers at one of her recent rallies approvingly quoted Hitler.
UK Guild of Hypnosis Practitioners (UKGH) chair Lisa Morgan said:
Do you know the big lie? The big lie was first described by Adolf Hitler in Mein Kampf .
The big lie is such a big lie that ordinary people like us think, ‘Well, that can’t be a lie because I would never tell such a big lie as that. We only lie in small ways.’
The big lie, well there is one big lie going on, and it was begun by men in the early part of the 20th century. It began when they had an erotic fantasy and they decided they were going to sell us the big lie – and what is the big lie?
The big lie is that trans women are women. But they’re not are they? They’re men and we know that.
Hot tip: If you don't want people to think you are a Nazi, don't quote Hitler. Or hang around with Nazis. Or take selfies with them when they come to your rallies.
What Is She Doing?
Right now she's basically traveling the globe holding "Let Women Speak" rallies, which largely feature women giving speeches about how it's unfair that transgender people exist.
In a video introduction on YouTube, she explains that she is doing this because of how sad it is that women in the US have no right to "say a woman is an Adult Human Female." Are they thrown in prison? No. But they're not "taken very seriously' and that is basically the same thing.
It’s just very chilling that a woman doesn’t have the right in the US to basically say a woman is an Adult Human Female. It’s permitted for her to be intimidated, lose her job, be screamed at, shouted at and basically not taken very seriously. And I think it’s really, really frightening.
But most women if they speak, they feel … just empowered. Which is a word that gets used a lot and actually I don’t even like it that much, but it is completely fitting that these women have been desperate to say these things, and then they get to say them.
I find it very hard to believe that there are women going around "desperate" to say trans people don't exist, who haven't ever been able to say that before. Because certainly we see a lot of people saying these things everywhere, just about as often (if not more so) as people with other points of view. Hell, they practically have their own ongoing op-ed series in the New York Times .
Clearly the issue here, as it so often is with hatemongers who pretend they are victims, is that people don't agree with them and they feel that is the same thing as being "silenced."
Which, you know, it's not.
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concern troll is concerned, don't waste your time on them mate
no we just didn't wait until it was personal and sell to both sides in the meantime