Why Won't Biden Have This Perfectly Lovely War Criminal Over For Tea?
What's a little carpet bombing between statesmen?
We all have our bubbles and blind spots. One of mine is that it truly never occurs to me that there are people out there who do not think Henry Kissinger is an obvious villain and war criminal. I've seen it happen many times, of course, and I'm aware that there are many Democrats, even, who think he is a real swell guy, but I am never not surprised. Every damn time, you could knock me over with a feather.
Thus, it was rather jarring to see, even in the New York Post, an article criticizing Joe Biden for not inviting Henry Kissinger over to the White House, one assumes to fondly reminisce about the carpet bombing of Cambodia. The Post fails to mention this aspect of Kissinger's career, of course, referring to it as merely helping to end the Vietnam War. That probably sounds a lot better than murdering up to 500,000 people with bombs in order to put the US in a better position to negotiate a withdrawal after it became obvious that the war was both unwinnable and incredibly unpopular and people were tired of sending kids off to die for no good reason.
Neither Obama or Trump entered the presidency with much experience in geopolitical affairs, so both had to learn the process while in office, with each man bringing their personal traits to the table when dealing with a crisis, Kissinger said.
Of Obama, Kissinger said, “He brought to international affairs a concern about the developing world, and a high degree of personal intelligence, which were very effective traits.”
Of Obama’s successor, he said, “President Trump conveyed a characteristic of great decisiveness and very personal vibrancy. He was a unique phenomenon in American foreign policy.”But his 50-year presidential meeting streak could yet be broken. So far, Joe Biden hasn’t sent him an invite.
“I knew Biden when he was a senator, but I have had no contact with him since he has been president,” Kissinger said matter of factly.
“I don’t think a president is required to ask me for my counsel,” he added. But if Biden ever did, Kissinger would want the president to find “a common definition of our dangers and of our purposes… Ending the Ukrainian War should be a major task.”
As you may recall, Kissinger's recommendation for preventing the Ukrainian War was for the country to just give Russia a chunk of their territory in order to appease them, a strategy that has not worked out so well historically. Perhaps he has some other good ideas now, like bombing some folks or installing a brutal military dictatorship , as he has been known to do. The Post doesn't mention any of that, either, when gushing over Kissinger's accomplishments. Not a word about Argentina or Chile or Bangladesh in the whole thing. So strange!
If anything, "not inviting Kissinger to the White House" is one of the best things one could possibly say about the Biden Administration. It's nothing if not a lovely compliment and something for the plus column. I know I always put "have never had cocktails with a war criminal" on my CV.
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Isn’t Ariel Sharon still breathing, too?
Send him to Chile to face justice