See "juicedratic equations."

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In the higher ed biz, people noticed that the term "pre-med" did not include others who might be aiming for the health professions, e.g. pre-dental students (I had one excellent pre-dent whose last name was 'Root'. True story.)

So that whole category has been renamed "Pre-health". Which to me, suggests "still sick". I often joke "I'm [haaack] pre-health [cough! couth!]"

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Scientologist Jim Mathers, Operating Thetan Level 8, the highest OT level and supposedly the level at which one develops the ability to communicate telepathically with plants and animals and also learns that L. Ron Hubbard is, in fact, God

Isn't that also the level where you can kill someone by staring at them? If so, this clown best watch out. This ol' boy looks stupid enough to accidentally off himself while shaving in front of a mirror.

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Such a nasty, gotcha question. You ought to be ashamed. Oh and don't forget to interject with "he's answered the question 15 times" repeatedly also too.

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Huh. He really looks nothing like his pictures.

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Xenu. Off to the SP Hole with ye!

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I am happy to say I never heard of either.

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Whenever I see someone who is a high level scientologist, I wonder if they running buy into all the bullshit or if they're in it. Do they known it's all a scam and are just playing along to get a piece of the action or are they just so personally invested in it they can't find a way out of the sea of bullshit they're neck deep in even if they wanted to?

This asshole? He's in on it.

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And as I said somewhere else earlier, on the Teddy Roosevelt, that's a fucking long haul.

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Well he is a long-haul fucker.

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Can anybody explain in non-gobbledygook terms what "nanotechnology" could have to do with vitamin pills? Is he selling supplements that consist of only one atom or molecule each? I have enough trouble with tiny pills, without shrinking them to a size that would require an electron microscope to see.

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New Scientist magazine has a column in its back pages devoted to (making fun of) such fruitloopery. (Gwyneth Paltrow is frequently featured.) Past buzz phrases included vibrational energy, then everything was quantum. Now it's nano. I'm amazed at how much science is used to sell non-sciencey things, while real science dies a sad, lonely death in the corner.

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Little stuff is easier to get into your system than big stuff. Nanotechnology has some value in certain medical applications, I worked it into my vaccine design.

90% of it is woo, though

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Dunno if there's a Medicare billing code for that

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