For some time now, the Right has been all up in arms about awards shows, how Satanic they are and how none of their YouTube documentaries or Kirk Cameron movies about people being vacuumed up into the sky get nominated for them.
Enter The American Liberty Awards, which appear to have been organized Matt Baker, some guy who got famous for his unhinged anti-vax rantings at a San Diego Board of Supervisors meeting.
You may remember him from all the whistling. And the white guy dreads.
— (@)
Or perhaps from his unhinged rant at the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors over the "stolen" election. The man gets around.
And if he's not in charge of it, he sure is enthusiastic about it enough to go around Twitter begging people to attend.
The show will be taking place in Austin, Texas, on August 12, and tickets are either $76 for general admission or $177.60 for "preferred seating." Get it? Because 1776? Truly, these people are too clever.
According to the website:
If we want to beat the system, we need to have indifference to it..
We need to build our own system.
Throughout the ages, Americans have stood up against the onslaught of tyranny. Sometimes these men and women do not get celebrated in their own times, in other times they do. These days, those that shine the brightest light of liberty are the most shunned and scorned by the corporate globalist system that is strangling those very freedoms. Our goal is to thank those warriors using their words, songs , art, minds and passion to light the fires of liberty in the hearts of men and women.
We will celebrate and recognize these brave voices and individuals.
The globalists have the Oscars, the Grammys, the Tonys... we have The Libbys.
The American Liberty Awards.
The Awards Show of the People, by the People, for the People.
The Libbys? Well there's some irony for you.
The awards include categories like "Most Trusted Print Media," in which sites like Gateway Pundit, Infowars, Zero Hedge, and Epoch Times are nominated, suggesting that those who came up with the category are not clear on what "print media" means; "Most Trusted Broadcast Media," which includes O'Keefe Media Group, Real America's Voice, Timcast and other nominees that suggest they also don't know what "broadcast media" means; and "Most Truth Revealing Movie" which includes nominations for 2000 Mules , Died Suddenly , My Son Hunter and Out of Shadows which ... same.

Oh, and don't worry — both Jim and Joe Joft, The Stupidest Man On The Internet And His Brother Who Is Also Quite Stupid, were nominated for "Most Truthful Writer." Sadly, no one from Wonkette got a nod in any categories, and we are weeping.
Notably, the nominees for categories like "Most Truth Revealing Movie," "Most Truth Revealing Book" and "Most Powerful Song" are not necessarily movies, books, or songs that came out in the last year, the way most award shows operate. They're just from any random time at all — which is likely how a song from four years ago that was actually meant to mock Alex Jones managed to wind up as one of them.

The song is "Alex Jones Rants as an Indie Folk Song" by musician/comedian Nick Lutsko, though for the purposes of this awards list it is retitled as "I'm Angry." And it's just as hilarious as we remember it being.
Truly, it is incredible that they can't actually tell the difference between themselves and someone making fun of them. You'd think the actual musical ability would give it away, but no! It's almost like the exact opposite of the "Erica Marsh" scandal happening right now in which wingnuts were mad that the Left could tell that a fake Leftist Twitter account was obviously fake.
Lutsko has written a bajillion other hilarious songs, but we'd love to nominate this one in particular for next year's "Libby's."
Good luck, Nick! We're all rooting for you!
H/T Eyes On The Right
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