I just watched Joe Root go ahead of Alastair Cook and Brian goddamn Lara on test match centuries, and it feels so strange because he's only a kid as far as I remember.
Your assertions are pretty much borne out in recent studies. At the lower end you describe, it isn't that they got stupider, it's that they DIDN'T NEED TO ACTUALLY RESEARCH ANYTHING when there was Google to answer all their questions. And Google's responses, rather than driven by best answer, was driven by advertising. And it spiraled further and further down the rat hole of SEO (search engine optimization) and algorithmic placement tricks. (I'll look for the studies)
Personally, every search should start with something like Wikipedia.
Composing list and recipes of the usual make & freeze meals for the household for Fall, needed ingredients & bakeware etc. Mostly for others, not me. Just peasant food, generally. Will be in vacuum sealed or silicone packaging.
How do these sound and do you have suggestions?
1)Teriyaki, both steak and chicken (plus packages of pre-made rice, wild rice, par-steamed veg)
B) Vegetable-beef stew (bison, actually)
3) Bolognese with bison chuck roast, finely diced, and organic pork ribs, sausages in mild & hot
C) Lasagne Bolognese (frozen in portions)
4) Chicken Pie (in portions)
D) Chicken Paprikash (plus packages of pre-made gnudli/dumplings, pappardelle)
5) Pesto-Alfredo with chicken breast (plus pre-made tagliatelle/fettuccine and par-steamed veg)
H) Beef Stroganov (elk ribeye, actually. Will fake them out. Plus packs of egg noodles, pappardelle)
6) Chili, the real kind, both Roja & (blanco) Chicken versions. (plus packages of cornbread)
K) Enchiladas, the real kind, both steak & chicken versions, ROJA, (plus sauce & cheese packages)
7) I am likely missing something important. My chicken soup is epic, but I'm branching out this time.
HELP ME OUT, DARLING MURDER HORNETS. Am I lacking/forgetting something??
Oh, right. HusbX might go for it, though I'm a non-eggplanter. He adores lasagne, but it's a bit of a production so I rarely make it. Now I'm going to do it and freeze in portions for him & TeenX.
Oh right, forgot! YES, but this is mostly for the other household members, I’ll be eating very little of most of these. I’ve got a way to go before I can introduce more things like that. Some of them I’ll eat but only smaller amounts. Thanks! How is your awful tooth-situation, is the infection and dry socket solved?
Oh was also going to ask if you’d tried freezing balls of pizza dough especially because I know you have an older teen. Great way to get them cooking if they don’t already. Ease them into it sort of. Dough is the hardest part so once that’s done you have 30 minutes to supper.
Aarrrrgghhh, I have tried so hard to entice her to just learn a few small basic skills, but she *will* do it all alone and end up damaging cookware etc.
That is a very good idea though; maybe her love of pizza will be the trick!
I sit with the iPad at the table and wait for them to ask for help when I start teaching them. The more indifferent I seem the more they go “Mom! Mom! Look! Is this right?” It’s that instinct to bother a sitting mother whenever she is at rest!
LOL, well I am going to TRY to get at least half of these made & stashed, probably 6-8 packages of 2 quarts each per dish/variety. But we'll see how long I'll last.
I used to do this before every semester began when HusbX was in grad school (forEVER, he has a lot of fuckin' degrees) and when I was in school full-time and working psych full-time. Gallon on gallon on gallon of stews and thick soups and bolognese sauce. It kept us going!
Turns out the "others" are Republican John McCain ( running for President ) and Democrat John Bel Edwards ( running for Louisiana Governor ). In both cases, a film clip within an ad was deemed "politicizing Arlington" - and when notified of this, both campaigns immediately removed the ad and apologized. Certainly no precedent for PAB's arrogant response.
But, by using the "others" in their headline, the NYT makes it seem as if it's a common occurrence
The thumbs up over the graves of the fallen, though, I think captures the essence of Cheetolini better than anything else. That one photo should follow him to his grave and beyond.
This is yet another trump travesty that is swiftly in the process of being normalized. By next week it'll be "everyone does it, he didn't do anything wrong." Like everything else he's done.
Well, I'm still outraged and want to break things. I can't afford ordering comfort breakfasts every morning but fuck it. I'm not even ordering kosher this time. I'm going to eat a dead pig and that's the way it's gonna be. Bacon, sausage, ham, eggs, taters, fruit, Guatemalan coffee (hot.) The Crew gets the bacon.
Yes, I've lived by the same credo since I was a child - if someone is not hurting you, or anyone else, they should be free to do whatever they want. It's the old "your right to swing your arm ends where my face begins" policy.
I've also thought all drugs should be legalized, and heavily taxed and controlled. Crime would drop immediately. In Amsterdam, they will give you heroin, if you are a heroin addict. Fewer people die from overdoses, since the product they are getting is pure, and they also don't have to go out and rob people to support their habits. It's a grown up approach to addiction, and crime, and the taxes you get from the sale help you fund recovery programs. I don't know why we've spent over a trillion dollars on "the war on drugs." We didn't get rid of drugs, we just got worse people dealing them, and worse drugs.
That's what infuriates me about those self-righteous reprobates. What in the HELL ever gave them the idea that they had either the duty or any justification to impose THEIR sanctimonious beliefs on the rest of us?
And some stuff about men being in charge. They stop reading after wives be subject to your husbands, and ignore the next sentence is husbands be subject to your wives. Which means they miss the whole point of the section which is don’t be assholes to anybody and think the point is I have a dick so I’m in charge.
With rare exception none of the indignant Christopaths I'm acquainted with have ever read the Buybull despite their ardent claims to the contrary.
And since they possess no capacity for shame it doesn't phase those facetious fuckwits one bit when I stand there and quote relevant Buybull passages berating them for their hypocrisy. They truly are the harridans of hypocrisy and therefore fucking hopeless.
Yeah, I quoted the thing about praying in your closet to a god botherer once and he replied that I was taking it out of context. I repeatedly asked him to provide context all to no avail
I think the Bible has some instructions in there about not judging other people, because you might get judged yourself.
Totally unrelated, I wonder what Christian and Bridget Ziegler are up to now that he's lost his job as the head of the GQP in FL, and she lost her job as a MomForLiberty, after it came out that they liked threesomes?
I suspect that the vast majority of women who think the GOP is the party for them are less concerned with making their lives better and more concerned with making sure someone else's life is worse.
Spouse has left for a short kayaking jaunt with a colleague overnight; I cautioned him "don't forget how to swim," and asked if he was certain this speech pathologist was not going to kill him out there in the woods. The first was a joke, as he was a lifeguard (he just gave me a steady look). The second was semi-serious (he gave me another steady look, then said, "yes. I'm certain.")
[also, they're going to PA, not GA, so maybe less likely?]
Speech Pathologists are notoriously sneaky, especially when there are no other people around. But they have a kryptonite. It’s Looney Tunes cartoons. Because of all the characters speech impediments. Play it and they just shut down with their hands over their ears, giving you a chance to escape. —lifelong daughter of a CCC-SLP.
Also, since my gran died my granddad has resumed his feud with the old man who runs their HOA at the new house. They are currently fighting over the color of my mom / grandad's front door. My granddad is threatening to paint it bright purple if they don't knock it off because the shade of brown isn't the exact color they're demanding.
Granddad is a pain in the ass, but he's at least having a good laugh about all of this. It oddly seems life affirming for him. ;-)
I am having a Serbian type day today, and hearing about petty grievance giving someone joie de vivre is very much in keeping with that. Hooray for your granddad!
This is going to give him something to take his mind off your grandma at least for a bit. I say go and buy him pints of purple , pink, and fuchsia paint.
He can paint that damn door, a different color every week until they stop bitching at him
I actually asked him to come to our place this week too since I have some odd jobs to do. I figured we could do them together, and he liked that idea too. :-)
Just keeping him busy is helping a lot, I think. I also am glad he (and my gran before she passed) came west to Illinois with my mom since he is around family and not living by himself halfway across the country.
Those Rupps were "real mini-bikes" as opposed to the kit ones that were common back in the '60s and '70s. Horizontal shaft engines were cheap and plentiful back then too, a paper boy could afford one!
We had it completely torn down so many times, engine included. After days of working on it we'd be all stoked after we reassembled it and yell "START HER RUPP!"
That was back when you used to smoke a banana .... "
Zappa, "the Blue Light", from Tinsletown Rebellion -- another little-known masterpiece, about emptiness and alienation ... and yet another amazing band, from about 1980 -- hence the reference to "The future is scary [Death Valley Days, straight ahead!]"
On Monday is the 𝐋𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐫 𝐃𝐚𝐲 𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐞: 𝐂𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐤𝐬, right here on Wonkette.
I don't know how many of these movie clubs you've done, but I hope this is number 37.
LOL! But matinees don't count.
That's a keeper!
“ But I’m supposed to cleave to you!”
I have never seen this classic, will treat myself today!
It’s amazing who quickly we moved on from trump telling his nephew to let his disabled son die
The librul media doesn't like to report on actual post birth abortion stories, just on rumors of them
Fucking hell.
I just watched Joe Root go ahead of Alastair Cook and Brian goddamn Lara on test match centuries, and it feels so strange because he's only a kid as far as I remember.
For USians- imagine someone was better at batting in baseball than, like, Thomas Jefferson.
This is just a guess, but I have suspicions that at least 50% of the US population is pretty dumb,
and within that 50%, the drop off into -really fuckin' stupid- is steep and sudden.
*Then* they all got mass-marketed, always-on, networked supercomputers in their pockets.
That didn't make them any smarter.
Instead, it served to extend and amplify the reach of their ignorance,
and the network helped them congeal into an even bigger ball of loud and dumb.
As a result, the IQ curve got inverted and the lower, the better, just like golf (connection?).
Steve Jobs never saw -that- one coming.
Your assertions are pretty much borne out in recent studies. At the lower end you describe, it isn't that they got stupider, it's that they DIDN'T NEED TO ACTUALLY RESEARCH ANYTHING when there was Google to answer all their questions. And Google's responses, rather than driven by best answer, was driven by advertising. And it spiraled further and further down the rat hole of SEO (search engine optimization) and algorithmic placement tricks. (I'll look for the studies)
Personally, every search should start with something like Wikipedia.
Composing list and recipes of the usual make & freeze meals for the household for Fall, needed ingredients & bakeware etc. Mostly for others, not me. Just peasant food, generally. Will be in vacuum sealed or silicone packaging.
How do these sound and do you have suggestions?
1)Teriyaki, both steak and chicken (plus packages of pre-made rice, wild rice, par-steamed veg)
B) Vegetable-beef stew (bison, actually)
3) Bolognese with bison chuck roast, finely diced, and organic pork ribs, sausages in mild & hot
C) Lasagne Bolognese (frozen in portions)
4) Chicken Pie (in portions)
D) Chicken Paprikash (plus packages of pre-made gnudli/dumplings, pappardelle)
5) Pesto-Alfredo with chicken breast (plus pre-made tagliatelle/fettuccine and par-steamed veg)
H) Beef Stroganov (elk ribeye, actually. Will fake them out. Plus packs of egg noodles, pappardelle)
6) Chili, the real kind, both Roja & (blanco) Chicken versions. (plus packages of cornbread)
K) Enchiladas, the real kind, both steak & chicken versions, ROJA, (plus sauce & cheese packages)
7) I am likely missing something important. My chicken soup is epic, but I'm branching out this time.
HELP ME OUT, DARLING MURDER HORNETS. Am I lacking/forgetting something??
I would say lasagne but that’s probably too much cheese for you.
How about Moussaka--a bit less cheesy than Lasagna, and eggplants are in season!
Oh, right. HusbX might go for it, though I'm a non-eggplanter. He adores lasagne, but it's a bit of a production so I rarely make it. Now I'm going to do it and freeze in portions for him & TeenX.
Oh right, forgot! YES, but this is mostly for the other household members, I’ll be eating very little of most of these. I’ve got a way to go before I can introduce more things like that. Some of them I’ll eat but only smaller amounts. Thanks! How is your awful tooth-situation, is the infection and dry socket solved?
Oh was also going to ask if you’d tried freezing balls of pizza dough especially because I know you have an older teen. Great way to get them cooking if they don’t already. Ease them into it sort of. Dough is the hardest part so once that’s done you have 30 minutes to supper.
Aarrrrgghhh, I have tried so hard to entice her to just learn a few small basic skills, but she *will* do it all alone and end up damaging cookware etc.
That is a very good idea though; maybe her love of pizza will be the trick!
I sit with the iPad at the table and wait for them to ask for help when I start teaching them. The more indifferent I seem the more they go “Mom! Mom! Look! Is this right?” It’s that instinct to bother a sitting mother whenever she is at rest!
I call that the “aura of unavailability.”
Haha, yep. Brilliant.
Better. Super slow healing but it’s not as much pain at least.
That sounded like a close call. I'm relieved it's improving.
Also adding this for the elk and bison:🥳🥳
Extremely low fat and high protein, B vitamins, etc.
Plus so much more flavour than beef!
Where do I sign up?
To help??? Yes, please!
OMFG ... now I'm drooling too much to read.
LOL, well I am going to TRY to get at least half of these made & stashed, probably 6-8 packages of 2 quarts each per dish/variety. But we'll see how long I'll last.
I used to do this before every semester began when HusbX was in grad school (forEVER, he has a lot of fuckin' degrees) and when I was in school full-time and working psych full-time. Gallon on gallon on gallon of stews and thick soups and bolognese sauce. It kept us going!
Flaming Hot Pork Rinds are too part of a balanced breakfast!
Goddamn right, they are.
I left the house a Četnik and I returned from the barber as Gabriele D'Annunzio.
I fucking hate being phenotypically fascist.
The NYT is at it again:
𝐎𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐇𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐏𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐳𝐞𝐝 𝐀𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐭𝐨𝐧, 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐓𝐫𝐮𝐦𝐩’𝐬 𝐀𝐩𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐚𝐜𝐡 𝐇𝐚𝐬 𝐍𝐨 𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭
Turns out the "others" are Republican John McCain ( running for President ) and Democrat John Bel Edwards ( running for Louisiana Governor ). In both cases, a film clip within an ad was deemed "politicizing Arlington" - and when notified of this, both campaigns immediately removed the ad and apologized. Certainly no precedent for PAB's arrogant response.
But, by using the "others" in their headline, the NYT makes it seem as if it's a common occurrence
The thumbs up over the graves of the fallen, though, I think captures the essence of Cheetolini better than anything else. That one photo should follow him to his grave and beyond.
Trump's "approach".
Nice. How about "Lawless disregard for the dead".
"Lawless disregard for the dead"
If that's not a weird western horror it absolutely should be.
We're already LIVING it....
This is yet another trump travesty that is swiftly in the process of being normalized. By next week it'll be "everyone does it, he didn't do anything wrong." Like everything else he's done.
He’s such a fucking asshole. I can’t recall anyone else in the public eye being such a dick.
They wonder why we don't trust them.....
Just how fucking disgusting is orange anus hemorrhoid?
Ans: There exists no benchmark that Spongebrain Shitpants can be compared to. It's the ultimate in disgustingness.
Well, I'm still outraged and want to break things. I can't afford ordering comfort breakfasts every morning but fuck it. I'm not even ordering kosher this time. I'm going to eat a dead pig and that's the way it's gonna be. Bacon, sausage, ham, eggs, taters, fruit, Guatemalan coffee (hot.) The Crew gets the bacon.
I hope they enjoyed the bacon.
But they only nibbled. More for meeeeeeeee!!!11
Lovely couple, AND BACON!!!
My opinion on abortion has not changed since 1972 - if abortion is against your religion, or you think it's murder, don't have one.
It's weird how the party that's been trying to force its religious views on the rest of us for over 50 years is the "pro freedom" party.
Is your opinion on gay marriage similar? If it’s against your religion or you think it’s wrong to it don’t get gay married?
Yes, I've lived by the same credo since I was a child - if someone is not hurting you, or anyone else, they should be free to do whatever they want. It's the old "your right to swing your arm ends where my face begins" policy.
I've also thought all drugs should be legalized, and heavily taxed and controlled. Crime would drop immediately. In Amsterdam, they will give you heroin, if you are a heroin addict. Fewer people die from overdoses, since the product they are getting is pure, and they also don't have to go out and rob people to support their habits. It's a grown up approach to addiction, and crime, and the taxes you get from the sale help you fund recovery programs. I don't know why we've spent over a trillion dollars on "the war on drugs." We didn't get rid of drugs, we just got worse people dealing them, and worse drugs.
And mass incarceration
The "war on drugs" was actually "Let's militarize human nature/weakness"
That's what infuriates me about those self-righteous reprobates. What in the HELL ever gave them the idea that they had either the duty or any justification to impose THEIR sanctimonious beliefs on the rest of us?
Live and let live, losers.
Because GOD is on their side, even though most of them have no clue what's in the Bible, other than the gay stuff.
And some stuff about men being in charge. They stop reading after wives be subject to your husbands, and ignore the next sentence is husbands be subject to your wives. Which means they miss the whole point of the section which is don’t be assholes to anybody and think the point is I have a dick so I’m in charge.
With rare exception none of the indignant Christopaths I'm acquainted with have ever read the Buybull despite their ardent claims to the contrary.
And since they possess no capacity for shame it doesn't phase those facetious fuckwits one bit when I stand there and quote relevant Buybull passages berating them for their hypocrisy. They truly are the harridans of hypocrisy and therefore fucking hopeless.
They really hate it when I can quote "their" bible to them IN LATIN.
Yeah, that Catholic school education has had some really FUN results. Eight whole years of Latin & [Nova Scotian] French!!!!!
Yeah, I quoted the thing about praying in your closet to a god botherer once and he replied that I was taking it out of context. I repeatedly asked him to provide context all to no avail
I think the Bible has some instructions in there about not judging other people, because you might get judged yourself.
Totally unrelated, I wonder what Christian and Bridget Ziegler are up to now that he's lost his job as the head of the GQP in FL, and she lost her job as a MomForLiberty, after it came out that they liked threesomes?
Somehow I suspect their lives now involve divorce lawyers.
Hey, freedom is overrated!
Freedom isn't free.
It's a reward when you buy something else.
It's also just another word for nothin' left to lose....
The freedom for ME not for thee party. Also the party that hates women.
I like that they can barely hide their hatred of women anymore. I don't know why any woman thinks the GQP is the party for them.
I suspect that the vast majority of women who think the GOP is the party for them are less concerned with making their lives better and more concerned with making sure someone else's life is worse.
See, "he's not hurting the right people."
Brainwashed tradwives, all in a row!
IK, R? The say they love women but what they really want is to enslave and control us.
The good news is that Dump is losing women by something like 10%, although he is winning with men.
Yeah...the winning with men part is really disturbing, 57% of men really want women back in barefoot and pregnant mode. Makes me want to cry.
Makes me sick and ashamed to be a penis haver
Spouse has left for a short kayaking jaunt with a colleague overnight; I cautioned him "don't forget how to swim," and asked if he was certain this speech pathologist was not going to kill him out there in the woods. The first was a joke, as he was a lifeguard (he just gave me a steady look). The second was semi-serious (he gave me another steady look, then said, "yes. I'm certain.")
[also, they're going to PA, not GA, so maybe less likely?]
So, that's that, then. Ships ahoy!
As another former lifeguard, I, also, would give you "The Look" if you questioned my swimming ability.
He also swims "quite far out" in Maine, and returns hypothermic.
Speech Pathologists are notoriously sneaky, especially when there are no other people around. But they have a kryptonite. It’s Looney Tunes cartoons. Because of all the characters speech impediments. Play it and they just shut down with their hands over their ears, giving you a chance to escape. —lifelong daughter of a CCC-SLP.
Sending this to HusbX in a text right now.
Also, since my gran died my granddad has resumed his feud with the old man who runs their HOA at the new house. They are currently fighting over the color of my mom / grandad's front door. My granddad is threatening to paint it bright purple if they don't knock it off because the shade of brown isn't the exact color they're demanding.
Granddad is a pain in the ass, but he's at least having a good laugh about all of this. It oddly seems life affirming for him. ;-)
I have a child like this. Hubby says that kid is only at peace when he is at war. Checks out!
Two signs I saw in a neighborhood:
1) Entrance to the neighborhood: HOA meeting Monday at 7 PM.
2) Banner hanging off someone's mailbox: Defund the HOA
Give them hell, Granddad well done!
We had a good laugh about it all at dinner last night. He's just full of beans about it, and it's good to see him laugh after the last few weeks.
I am having a Serbian type day today, and hearing about petty grievance giving someone joie de vivre is very much in keeping with that. Hooray for your granddad!
This is going to give him something to take his mind off your grandma at least for a bit. I say go and buy him pints of purple , pink, and fuchsia paint.
He can paint that damn door, a different color every week until they stop bitching at him
I actually asked him to come to our place this week too since I have some odd jobs to do. I figured we could do them together, and he liked that idea too. :-)
Just keeping him busy is helping a lot, I think. I also am glad he (and my gran before she passed) came west to Illinois with my mom since he is around family and not living by himself halfway across the country.
That’s the ticket keep him busy and engaged. When you lose somebody you’ve been with for that long of a time you need to have your people around you.
My brother and I honed our mechanics skills with this sweet little POS
Those Rupps were "real mini-bikes" as opposed to the kit ones that were common back in the '60s and '70s. Horizontal shaft engines were cheap and plentiful back then too, a paper boy could afford one!
That is a perfectly adorable little put.
Standard or metric measures?
All standard, American made!
I had to ask. I was a Triumph junkie and had to buy myself a set of metric tools.
That little Sprint looks like a helluva lot of fun to ride or wrench on.
Whitworth, FTW.
When I wrenched brit bikes, I had three full sets of tools. That was fun. /s/
Yeah, my BSA had Whitworth here and there, as one does.
An acquaintance once cursed a fellow wrench turner by dropping a handful of Whitworth threaded fasteners into a big jar of standard fasteners. Evil.
We had it completely torn down so many times, engine included. After days of working on it we'd be all stoked after we reassembled it and yell "START HER RUPP!"
Even the color is perfect
Ours was actually a darker blue, I think my bro has pictures but they're BxW.
They call him Yellow Felon (quite rightly!)
They call him Yellow Felon (quite rightly!)
They call him Yellow Felon (He's so yellow. He's a felon.)
You remember Donavan, the guy in the brocade coat
He used to sing about At-lan-tiis!
That was back when you used to smoke a banana .... "
Zappa, "the Blue Light", from Tinsletown Rebellion -- another little-known masterpiece, about emptiness and alienation ... and yet another amazing band, from about 1980 -- hence the reference to "The future is scary [Death Valley Days, straight ahead!]"
“And God Blesh the United Schtates of Barabajagal“.
Denture slip or drugs...
Don't stand behind him, you might catch the wind.
No mellow yellow (felon)