Welcome to the final weekend chat of August! Today, we’re gonna break down all the ways that Biden’s student loan debt forgiveness plan will improve your life, even if you don’t have student loans or already paid them off. We admit it’s probably a downer for sad losers who thrive off human misery, but we presume there’s a better audience for these chats.
We’ll also discuss the shameless backpedaling from some Republicans on abortion rights.
The fun starts at 12 p.m. PT/3 p.m. ET/2 p.m. Robyn time.
Wonkette Weekend: How Biden's Student Loan Debt Forgiveness Will Improve Your Life www.youtube.com
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No network would run a full speech by her. None of her rallies.They would run an empty podium for maybe Trump will speak. If we do not face the realities - sexism, racism, and a press that responded to a unprecedented attack on our election by Russia by covering a pasta recipe - we can not escape the next trap.
What do you do Jan to stop Trump? Did you arrogantly snark and encourage people to stay home?
I honestly couldn’t tell if “My Son Hunter” was for real or parody. It is apparently for real. Poe’s Law all the way down!