They're all my favorite. Of course, I always give my highest marks to Evan and Marcie (whose writing stryles are suspiciously similar), I always love Gary doing his "impressions" (I still think Vlad is is best, though), and I was impressed by New Guy Jamie. This would be my answer if I hadn't forgotten my #2 pencil.

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In re: Old Fashioneds, the obvious answer is "all of them". And that'd be BRANDY Old Fashioned, SWEET for those in the know.

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I'd have expected TFG to claim that bacon CAUSES wind. Or at minimum influences it, for some.

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Bacon. The answer is always “Bacon.”

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What came first...the bacon or the wind?

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I got an A but I have to confess I copied off of gallbladder

I feel really guilty.

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That was fun. I'm sure I received 99% on the test. But I didn't have a #2 pencil. And I huffed the memo graph fluid.

And I huffed the memo graph fluid.

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Definitely JDKink - I mean - it is Wonkette -

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Did anyone else have Van Halen's hit song Hot For Teacher playing in the background while they read?

Okay, it was just me.

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Never didn’t love a double negative!

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JD couldn’t find where his humanity is with both hands and a camera.

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I thought the test format was fun

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I did too. We should have tests every Friday!

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'Homework' for the 'Labor Day' holiday weekend. Like, as in actual 'labor.' Rebecca is a real 'Debbie Downer.'

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Didn’t everyone hate it when the teacher sent you home on a holiday weekend with homework to do?

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