It rained overnight, and the jungle bugs and jungle birds are singing louder than normal. Gentle breeze, cool temperature. Such a beautiful morning, think I'll carry my trash out into the yard and light it on fire. It's strange being a human.

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you are merely providing some future archaeologist with a super good day.

Cheers to that!

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It's my midden!

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Thank you!

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happy happy

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Always liked little flower

Picked her for my confirmation name rather. Sorta annoyed my mom, whom I was named after, she wanted me to pick her confirmation name,but she got over it

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Creepy moment of the day and it ain't even tabs yet

Texted supe to let her know I was slacking today, mentioned my neck and she goes do you need to go to a doctor? Because she is a caring sort of person.

My phone took it upon itself to offer online doctoring services That Comes With Teams or whatever.

Only I do not DO teams on my phone. We do teams at the work place, but my phone is a private thing, not a work thing, and I never use it for work things. With different emails and everything. Necessarily so, thanks to Killery and her Servers, the feds are super sensitive about Don't Fucking Use Your Personal Shit for Work.

So how the fuck does my phone even know I am on teams?

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resistance is futile.

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Privacy is a myth?

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ain't just whistlin dixie

This was a text conversation too, so not even like, something you would really expect your phone to be horning in on

And I got all the permissions in the off position.

Stalker phone

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Ireland 0-0 Nigeria

Canada 0-2 Australia

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Had our Zoom meeting last night about the future of the publishing company. They're either going to sell it, or shut it down.

On the good side, the lawyer handling the stuff said in her 30 years of this, she has never seen something so well organized.

We'll know more next week, maybe.

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Ugh. The company I work for went through a similar process recently. Definitely anxiety-inducing.

They went bankrupt and were sold off to a bigger company. Not ideal, but certainly better than the alternatives.

Hopefully everything works out for you and you land on your feet.

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I already have plans to start pushing my work on KIndle Unlimited.

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I hope you will share your progress. I am thinking about self publishing.

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I don't really want to self publish. We'll see.

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Comings and Goings:

Birthdays: John Ericsson, S.S. Kresge, Jacques Villon, Fred Quimby, George Liberace, Milton Friedman, Donald Malarkey, Ted Cassidy, France Nuyen, Evonne Goolagong Cawley, Andrew Marr, Wesley Snipes.

Obituaries: Ignatius of Loyola, Denis Diderot, Franz Liszt, Jean Jaures, Harry Alan Towers, Gore Vidal, Michael Ansara, Bill Russell.

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An illustrated guide to the cats you’ll find in New York City



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Gift link to yet another "DeSantis in trouble" article, just because it's fun to read and to laugh at him. Yes, there is time to turn it around, but he isn't capable, because America loves woke (or is tired of him whining about it) and doesn't wanna be his version of Florida.


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It is counterproductive to laugh at people who are in the process of leaving the cult, so I will just post the excerpt without comment:

Camille Fiveash voted for DeSantis twice and is now considering leaving the party to become a Democrat. She said the governor began losing her support with laws that led to books being removed from schools, and then with legislation targeting the LGBTQ+ community.

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I'm laughing at DeSantis, not those seeing the light about him.

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I say we get to laugh at them too. Cause really

The actual fuck

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I would laugh while welcoming them back into the ranks of the Sane.

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Can do like I do with my family

Welcome them back with sympathetic noises, and mock the fuck outta them on Yr Wonkette

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One of my criminal justice textbooks called it "rehabilitative shaming."

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..he literally ran on that platform


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Okay, I lied. 1 comment: The leopard ate her face.

Fiveash is a member of First Wives Advocacy, a group for divorced women who have successfully fought — until this year — efforts to rewrite state alimony laws to make it easier for spouses to end payments to their exes, an issue that impacts women far more than men. DeSantis vetoed a similar bill last year.

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Even the republicans have realized Tiny D is a smarmy, no personality, fascist little turd.

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I predict the Mrs. dumps his never gonna sit in the oval office ass. She comes off as a digger be it money or power.

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She is a Disney adult. -_-

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Is she *really*? Because I'd be shocked if the DeSantises were allowed to enter the park anymore.

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They got married there.

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I predict she will drag the spawn there at some point in the next month so that she can complain about a gay worker or something

Wait for it

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For your race, in its poverty, has unquestionably one really effective weapon—laughter. Power, Money, Persuasion, Supplication, Persecution--these can lift at a colossal humbug,—push it a little— crowd it a little—weaken it a little, century by century: but only Laughter can blow it to rags and atoms at a blast. Against the assault of Laughter nothing can stand.


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I enjoy laughing at him as much as the next person, but I have to remind myself that he's still the governor of Florida, and has to come back sometime. Probably breathing forth fire and slaughter against his perceived cultural enemies, like Disney, transgender people, Blacks, LGBTQ+ . . .

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When he loses the primary, he's going to be doubly mean and a bigger bully.

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Come for the "DeSantis is running an Extremely Online candidacy" without explicit mention of such, stay for the voters who didn't seem to realize that their faschy gov would want to take himself nationwide soon as he could.

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I do enjoy their candidacy announcements. LOL. No, you're too revolting ... or irritating, or stupid, or boring ... to win a general election. Next?

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It is, indeed, fun to point and laugh at that little failNapoleon.

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I am just giggling that all these same newspapers were singing his "Not Trump!" praises just a few months ago

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They're trying to make Tim Scott a thing.

Tim Scott.

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I noted yesterday that I am greatly looking forward to the articles explaining economic anxiety for why he gets his ass handed to him

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Lots of shady financial shenanigans are being muttered about.

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That would be the least surprising. All these assholes were given a template, and they're trying like mad to recreate a similar grift before the law gets 'em.

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Alright, this whole "work" thing? Not feeling it today.

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Message from the future: Chuck a sickie, Monday was turrible.

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One needs to pay for ones drinks somehow.

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Fortunately, the now-shitshow of a company I work for gave me plenty of sick leave to cover my "don't wanna" days.

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Was just thinking that myself XD

Gots to tho, we only have this particular field this week and then the pewpewpews take it for the next two months

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I mean, you have a legitimate excuse. I wouldn't want to go into work after having a disrupted night either.

For me it's "my dept. is basically just me and management can suck a butt" because Monday.

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That sounds like a legit excuse to me!

You got some PTO? DOEEETTTT

Do it because I can't. I mean I /can/ and all, but we really need to get in and out of there this week and while I am fast, I am not sure I am "4 days to do 200 holes" fast.

Wait, I actually might be that. Lessee, I can do 30, without finding anything, on a goodday. Times 4 is 120, add to what my co worker can do, a bit less but every bit helps, plus we get the interns on Thursday and we mmiiigghhhhttt eek it out in 4.

*twitches* Now I am tempted

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I have plenty of sick leave since I try to be careful about using it all at once.

Already sent my message to the coworkers who needed to know and put on my away message.

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I am gonna be bad with you XD I just ran those numbers again and I really think I can pull it off, even if we get some rain some afternoon, as happens here.

Just gotta work a little extra hard the rest of the week, but it's no big.PLUS I had forgotten we did the one bit already, so it is only 165 holes left.


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I find it highly overrated.

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Oh, ... , it will sneak up on you for sure and you will feel it.

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Good morning!

#Worldle #556 5/6 (100%)








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Something happened yesterday that has knocked my confidence and strengthened my reasons for barely leaving the house, and even then only with a sighted guide.

We took teenage daughter and one of her friends to the Paignton Summer Carnival, we took the dogs with us as we planned to be out all day. On the way we stopped in our local town to withdraw cash, pick up snacks and drinks for the bus ride, etc. Whilst trying to withdraw cash (and finding most of the ATMs were broken) I had to stand to one side with the dogs on what was a fairly narrow part of the pavement whilst everyone else got their money.

Enter Mr Jackass...

Great big skinhead guy, comes up behind me as everyone else was coming back to me after getting their money. I did not see him as A. I was facing away from him, and B. he was approaching on my blind side. Husband saw him and warned me, I tried to step aside with the dogs. Apparently not quickly enough for Mr Jackass. He launched into a tirade of abuse at me, including about my weight. In front of my teenage daughter and her friend.

Husband jumped to my defense of course, and of course Mr Jackass decided not to stick around for a face-to-face conversation with the only man of our group. Instead he walked quickly away whilst still yelling abuse at me over his shoulder.

I wish I could handle the dogs and my signal cane at the same time, I could have smacked Mr Jackass with it. Honestly though, who the hell is in such a rush on a Sunday morning that they can't wait a few seconds for a group of people to move further along the path so they can get out of his way. And who the hell continues to shout abuse at someone for not moving quickly enough after being told that person is visually impaired and would not have been able to see them.

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I'm so sorry this happened to you, Nicola.

I'm at a loss for words on just what a poisoned world this jerk must live in to treat a stranger so. I have hugs if they be welcome.

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A republican Trump voter?

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In the UK? Not likely.

Probably a Tory or UKIP voter.

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Some gammony bellend, almost certainly.

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"who the hell continues to shout abuse" at the only woman?

A jackass with a tiny todger.

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The thing is, it's terrifying. And if I'd encountered someone like that whilst out on my own how do I know it would have been just verbal abuse I'd have been on the receiving end of?

I hate what my disabilities have done to my confidence and my independence.

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I never like feeling afraid to do normal, every day things in my life. I am not disabled, but I am not a young person anymore. We have the gun threat here, too.

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How horrible! And who does that? You answered it - a jackass, oh, and a coward.

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Jackass has been named correctly for sure.

Damn, so sorry that happened to you

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What a belligerent bellend!

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It's incidents like that that make me not want to leave the house. I worry that if it been just me and the girls, or just me, then he wouldn't have stopped at just verbal abuse - although that was bad enough.

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Any new indictments yet this morning? I mean, I've fed a cat, made two coffees and sent doggo out. So .... what else is next?

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Nothing yet, no.

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Alright, calling all Kamen Rider fans. My son and I watched the recent film, Shin Kamen Rider. I really enjoyed it, it was very much a tribute to the OG series.

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