It is one thing for a patient to refuse a kind of treatment for religious reasons — say, Jehovah’s Witnesses refusing blood transfusions or Christian Scientists refusing any treatment at all or evangelicals choosing faith healing (for themselves, not their children) over actual medical care, or New Age kooks … also choosing what amounts to faith healing over actual medical care.

Totally a side point but as someone who grew up JW let me tell you how this actually works: when a JW patient is potentially in need of a blood transfusion two Witness Elders (similar to pastors) will be sent to the hospital ostensibly to “support and comfort “ the patient. These elders have been specifically trained for this activity, and are actually there to make sure that docs have little opportunity to talk to the patient and family alone, and to make sure the patient does not accept a transfusion. JWs are disfellowshipped (shunned) if it comes to light that they accepted a transfusion, so if they live through this experience they then will lose all friends and family who are JW (which is often literally all friends and family) as well as their job and home if they work for another JW (again often the case) or live with JW parents. All of this goes for JW parents who might have a child in need of a transfusion, so parents are actually usually counting on the fact that the hospital will get a court order to allow the transfusion for a minor. So pretty fucked up and the consent part of the whole situation is pretty murky.

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(I mean, have you heard about what happened to Linda Evangelista?)


I have not, I don't even know who she is, and since I'm not giving any money to the NYT to find out, I guess I will continue to dwell in ignorance. I gather from a quick Google search she's a model who's had a double mastectomy due to recurring breast cancer, but I have no idea what happened to her that ties into Robyn's point.

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Ah. A bit deeper into the googles shows she had an adverse reaction to CoolSculpting and developed PAH. I guess that's what Robyn was talking about.

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Ah, from your first post I was going to guess she was told that a double mastectomy was reversible.

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Copper Blue's owner can fuck right off with that shit. VOTE, Ohio! Save yourselves.

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When I first heard about the Ohio restaurant I assumed he was announcing this simply for publicity and go fund me money. Still waiting to see if I’m right.

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Dear Judiciary,

Lying about medicine is not a religious activity just because religious people do it all the time.

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Ok, on the Colorado thing - I'm guessing there is money involved. If someone paid for an abortion, changed her mind and wanted the baby after the drug had been given, they would still lose the fetus, right?? So she would not get what she paid for. There seem to be larger number of insane MDs out there than I had thought.

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Why did I click those links?

OK here is my thought, "But if they’re conceiving of it as a religious ritual, it begins to perhaps make somewhat — ? — more sense."

One, it is all about hurting and causing trauma to women. That is their goal. They hate us. Two, they want women who have not made up their minds to have abortions and then be deeply saddened in addition to the trauma. So they have people who may end up forced birth warriors.

These seem to align with their consistent motivation and behaviors.

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The Michigan Democrat.....her reason for wanting to keep the waiting periods, etc is because when she had an abortion, she went through the process, and it did not inconvenience her, and so until someone can explain to her why the restrictions on abortion are medically bad or how they could burden women, she will vote to keep them. Because they seem like common sense to her, and again, no big deal for her to work around. The interview in the paper made her sound very sincere and she honestly thinks she is doing the right thing. I sincerely hope her fellow Democrats, constituents, and pro choice groups can explain to her in a way she can understand, why they are bad. Cause my forehead was banging my screen in frustration.

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Was listening to a local (louisiana) political talk show discussing our new horrible governor (Jeff Landry, Neanderthal, Baton Rouge) and the fact that he's hot for the death penalty (as per the Wonkette post yesterday.) The guest speaker was Sister Helen Prejean. She made the point that Landry claims to be pro-life, yet he's jonesing to kill some people. One caller tried to clarify "He's pro-INNOCENT life." In other words, Landry is actually pro-Death, he just wants to excuse certain organisms.

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The thing about the restaurant business - and while it's been many years since I worked in it, I can't imagine this aspect has changed much - is that it is really easy, if you have experience, to get a job down the street. There are so many restaurants that there is always another one to work at - it never took me more than two days to get a job waiting tables, and that was me being picky.

So a place that has good staff usually goes to some trouble to keep them happy - it's not like some businesses where there are only two or three places to work. When you add in that a large percentage of the people working at any restaurant are young women, this looks like an own goal - he shot himself in the foot.

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Don't doctors have to go to school and study evidence based medicine and take a Hippocratic Oath and do no harm? Give me another reason to stay away from the fucks and avoid using my "health insurance".

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Currently reading a short story (a pure fanfiction for a video game) about a 24 year old girl mentoring a girl who got teen pregnant at 16 (by a man over a decade older, although it was allegedly consensual and since this is a medieval setting not illegal) - and coming to terms with her own lost pregnancy at 16 from a miscarriage. She's still together with the would-have-been father 8 years later, but he just learned that she was pregnant and never told him. Current pregnant 16 year old was offered the choice - and she's chosen to keep. Everyone in the group is trying to be as supportive as possible, but she (the mother to be) was ultimately the one to make the decision. That is what pro-choice is all about.

Fanfiction authors produce some of the best, most emotionally charged writing using borrowed characters. Gotta love it.

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Pretend To Be Pro Life People are quite comfortable with lying to women about their bodies, and their medical care. After all, they are Lying For Jesus, and that's all that matters.

I can't wait to read the news about the swarms of Pretend To Be Pro Life People who line up to go to work at the restaurant, and all the new customers that will come there - preferably on a Sunday after church, leaving a big mess, and no tip.

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Abortion reversal is just a means to continue to erode the separation of church and state. Or church and everything else. I doubt the clinic in question even believes its possible but if it helps them push their religion on everyone else, well, it's not like there is anything in the Bible against lying.

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Note to Colorado Xtian "doctors" - how about a compromise where you just pray real hard to that Almighty God Guy to reverse the abortion pill?

I mean, it's only science amirite?

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My religion says I should lie to my patients in order to further my political ends, which are predicated on my religion. What's wrong with that, Colorado?

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