You Make Some Good Points But Otherwise Shut It
* Newsflash: guy endorses Thompson. Newsflash: who gives a shit. [ Michelle Malkin ]
* We can name you some people that hate Christmas, are conspiracy theorists, and, puzzlingly, won a majority of votes in their given congressional districts. [ Wizbang ]
* Maybe, just maybe, and, look, this isn't proven or anything, but it's possible that Karl Rove was running elections from the White House. [ Raw Story ]
* A Mosque on a tax-supported campus prints literature saying whatever it wants ! [ WorldNet Daily ]
* We didn't realize what fanatics we were until we read some of this bullshit and agreed, only in reverse. [ Carpetbagger Report ]
* Hey, the world is going to suck next year and Hillary's going to take the rap! [ Reality-Based Community ]
* You know what works for hymen restoration? Abstinence. [ Hot Air ]
* Massive spending is bad for taxpayers when the end result of that spending isn't buildings blowing up somewhere in Baghdad. [ Redstate ]