Fox News Hereby Demands Tucker Quit Doing Hee-Haw She-Shed Twitter Show, So Them's Still A-Fightin'
Let them fight.
It was pretty clear last week that Fox News was not amused by Tucker Carlson's new Twitter show where he broadcasts some janky ass amateur DIY white nationalist Russian propaganda porn from what appears to be a life-sized replica of the Unabomber's she-shed. Fox News lawyers had notified him that he was in breach of contract.
So he did it again Thursday afternoon, lasting 12 whole minutes that time. And his producer who left Fox with him, Justin Wells, announced he's doing the third one tomorrow. (We guess it's a Tuesday/Thursday thing, unless they decide to do something different, which we guess is their prerogative since it's a fucking Twitter video.)
Axios reports this morning that Tucker has now received an official cease-and-desist from the Fox News lawyers. Meanwhile Tucker just continues to make more plans to make his show the hottest thing on Twitter since Elon started bringing back all the Nazis. Apparently some of his shows are going to be more than 12 minutes, and he's even going to invite guests to come sit in the shed with him. Tomorrow his episode will be about Trump's indictment. We bet that will be very timely, since Trump is going to court tomorrow to begin the process for these criminal indictments, not to be confused with the previous ones or the future ones.
In response to the cease-and-desist, Tucker's lawyer Harmeet Dhillon said:
"Doubling down on the most catastrophic programming decision in the history of the cable news industry, Fox is now demanding that Tucker Carlson be silent until after the 2024 election," the statement [said]. [...]
"Tucker will not be silenced by anyone ... He is a singularly important voice on matters of public interest in our country, and will remain so."
Whatever. (And yes, Dhillon is the lawyer who wanted to beat out Ronna McDaniel for the job of running the RNC.)
Tucker was fired from Fox News for reasons that still aren't entirely clear, but it definitely came just after that humongous settlement with Dominion Voting Systems. However, his contract isn't negated by the fact that his show is over. Tucker's lawyers say "First Amendment," because we guess that makes contracts go away.
“Fox defends its very existence on freedom of speech grounds,” [other Tucker lawyer Bryan] Freedman said. “Now they want to take Tucker Carlson’s right to speak freely away from him because he took to social media to share his thoughts on current events.”
Oh so now he's just on social media saying his thoughts. We thought this was some kind of new Twitter show that was going to revolutionize right-wing media. ("Would be great to have shows from all parts of the political spectrum on this platform!" tweeted Elon, retweeting Tucker's first episode.)
Our mistake.
Anyway, Axios says Tucker's first two episodes have gotten "a combined 169 million views" for the first two episodes. That may be exactly what Elon Musk and Tucker want you to believe, but no, Axios, bless your heart, no. There are no video view counts listed on the tweets, because Elon got rid of those. Those are merely the view counts for the tweets, which means you scrolled past it and it started auto-playing. In the course of writing this post we have probably given Tucker 15 "views," and in that time have watched nothing. (Our sound is on mute too.) But way to regurgitate whatever you hear on the internet, Axios!
We don't know what happens next, but it seems pretty clear both sides are in it for the fight.
So let them fight, we guess. Should be funny to watch.
Can both Fox News and Tucker Carlson somehow lose this battle? Is it possible for them both to lose?
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Apparently some of his shows are going to be more than 12 minutes, and he's even going to invite guests to come sit in the shed with him.
It's no Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee, but we gotta let Tuckums be Tuckums.