I didn't see this until after surgery due to a perma glitch with notifications. But I probably needed the comfort more now anyway.

Body's recovering pretty well, but EU exit seems imminent. Thank you for your kind wishes, and for making me feel like part of this place.. I'll light a candle for all of us.

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Thank you for so much for posting this. I've mentioned it myself over the last couple of days. I am sickened and saddened and enraged by these heartless bastards! They have ZERO appreciation for what they're destroying, and the irreparable harm they're causing.I read that 35,000 people a year visit this place (maybe in the above article). That's not inconsiderable. I'm sure some of those folks are from out of the area (requiring food and accommodations), and all of them contribute to the local economy. They're putting people's livelihoods in jeopardy, too. Fuckers just don't care. MAGA!

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I got your first step right here, Trump.

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From where I sit the New Orleans Saints won.

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Kitten Bowl fan personally.

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Democrats are intending to troll Trump by inviting immigrants who've been "You're Fired" from Trump trash palaces, federal workers who were royally screwed during Trump's shutdown, activists who fought against Justice Rapey McPrivilege, parents with children lost during the Parkland massacre, and people who've been affected by Trump's baby jails and Muslim ban travel restrictions on ethnic and religious minorities from "shithole countries."Do It. Put faces to policy. Make those GOP enabling dickwads stare actual human beings in the face.

Accountability, it's a bitch.

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I agree. I don’t think he is racist. I just don’t think he has experience with minority communities. In Vermont Catholic French Canadians are the bottom of the heap.

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His voting record doesn't suggest any racial bias, but I certainly agree in regard to the population demographics of New England Socialists. I also absolutely agree that Sanders would prove himself as both blind and selfish if he runs in 2020.

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This behavior is evil for its own sake, that is, the cruelty to threatened species and the people who care for them, and the contempt for rule of law, but also for the threat to humankind. When the world has been simplified to a global golf course, it will no long sustain us. These vandals of life and beauty claim to care about the potential babies that aborted fetuses would become (they don't care), but they contribute to a mindless destruction that threatens the next generation, and their grandchildren. True crimes against humanity.

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Yeah...The sideline reporter was trying to interview Brady right after the game and he practically shoved her out of the way to congratulate some other players, and then he an Kraft had...a moment...right in the middle of the crush of reporters and cameras, and it sure looked to me like they were doing a mouth smooch. Which is totally fine for two dudes to do! But when the dude is your boss...It's weird.

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Somehow I missed that krocked Kraft moment, but will be searching the internets for a video. He is as if Cartman grew up and owned a football team!

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You know, the Pluto network has a whole channel devoted to reruns of Forensic Files, so I think my viewing calendar for tonight is full.

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If you viewed the Super Bowl as a game to determine who doesn't have to the White House, it makes a lot more sense. LA won.

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Sniff watch 2019.

Preznident Adderal will come out sniffing and doing two-fisted water shots is my only prognostication.

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The correct species. There are many.

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