And here it is Friday. I had to go and ask, didn't I?

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So, physicians in general - not necessarily white doctors or black doctors.

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So won't read articles and then tries to get really pissy about what a majority Jewish country means. Cool story anti-Semite who still thinks Jews control the world and won't listen to how that is anti-Semitic even though you've been shown multiple sources... coward.

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You mean the pathetic coward who won't read articles and then stamps his feet? Yeah and then nice misogyny there too. Wow, you are such a great guy... who doesn't know anti-Semitism and won't read articles ON anti-Semitism, and then whine someone else lost an argument. Go take your one inch baby dick and leave.

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Do the rest of the math, genius. With a population of over eight million, that means that two million of the population are systematically and horribly discriminated against by the government. No wonder they have your support.

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This is where you lost the argument. You went from being a run of the mill moron to a necrophiliac. Congrats, you syphilitic goat cunt.

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So a general question for all that can bring themselves to speculate: how much would they have had to pay you to take the job?

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"Research further suggests that physicians may underestimate the pain severity minority patients.(1, 4) In one study, physicians underestimated the pain severity of 74% African-American patients and 64% of Hispanic patients." https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.go...

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I am SICK TO DEATH of all the coverage of "the border".



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"Russian spy" also works, I'm convinced

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The first step of Confession is admitting you did something wrong.

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The study I read showed both black and White doctors believed that Black male patients had higher pain tolerance. I do medical research for a living, but social science studies are not my area and are not subject to the Same rigor as randomized clinical trials for cancer drugs

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"Black doctors are more reluctant to give pain meds to black patients because of perceived higher pain tolerance."

Another interesting interpretation.

Link: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.go...

This paper seems to conclude that it's white doctors who think black patients perceive pain less.

I'm beginning to wonder where you get your ideas.

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Or inmate #7028409.

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One is easy. Roswell. Take the dirt road after the 3rd K Circle, go about 6 miles, take a left after the big arroyo. You'll pass a bunch of Saguaro. Do not gather the peyote. Do not smoke them. Then.....uh...um...I don't remember too much. I think a metal barn thingy.

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