the first time I ever heard that term was on the radio, 25 odd years ago, when the DJ went on a riff about something I don't even recall in reference to the song that just ended and he finished it off with "and that's when you get your beans picked, brother". I howled with laughter at the time and have never forgotten it since.

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Oh, that one goes without saying. I've had my beans picked a few times. That, and alcohol, and benign recreational drugs legal in many states, are what get ya through the Trump era.

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Thanks, lots of beautiful kids there that day.

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Thank you, thank you!

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Thanks for that. Beautiful photo. Beautiful kids.

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Upvote for the D & D reference.

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what about "getting your beans picked"?

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You can make potato bread, and when I was a kid, we would carve potatoes to make stamps, and more! But corn is a close second.

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Every time she visits, the Pope takes 1d8 theological damage!

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It is funny because our friend is a very devout Catholic, (Peruvian Japanese) and she loves the place.

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In Las Vegas, at the National Museum of Organized Crime and Law Enforcement: https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Later today the Senate will vote to confirm William Barr for Attorney General


Fox News dumped a 30-second national ad for Oscar-nominated anti-Nazi documentary short "A Night At The Garden," set to appear during Sean Hannity's shitshowWait, where's the first amendment freeze-peach outrage?

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Despite all the good things you can say about it, deep fat fried cannabis is NOT tasty! … er … So I'm told.

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"Nearly half of Republicans think..." Cite

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