Donny's base are getting active.....https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Dz9LDmI...

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LoL, I just like the term.

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Obviously you're not doing it rite! Spromiting involves a formal dance for teenagers (or, according to many movies, werewolves.)

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They're from Mercen?

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Weirdly,my guy isn't into kale. But turnips,broccoli/cauliflower/bok choy stems.. *M0NCH*

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for a better role.

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large chunks are being blown out of proportion

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"technically literate" - what's that, "is capable of reading but never does it willingly?" Like every asshole customer with a full basket in the "15 or fewer" line?

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Agree. I grew up with Bozo the Clown, so that is my first thought.

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These go to 11G

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And again with unwarrented advice.

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Just as an example of how Happer is out of touch with reality, he described Trump after a meeting "“His comments were that of a technically literate person,”. Anyone who can say that about Trump with a straight face definitely has a few screws loose. Dollars in Trump's pocket is the sole measure of Trump's literacy.

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I've determined, in my old age of not quite 40, that I can no longer drink alcohol before I ingest weed of any medium. I get the spins and eventually pass out. No bueno. So now my policy is to partake before I partake.

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My cat LUUUURRRRRRRRVES him some Vaseline. We initially put a dab on his nose, but he'll come right up to the container and start licking it. Weirdo.

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"Science bozos?" - Really? That should be the appellation for the climate-change deniers like your common William Happer. Although I imagine that Dominic was using that term in a respectable way, it seems that "bozo" has a negative connotation - and I don't know why, because I've always thought that my take on the general mystery of life and how we're all in this together, is that we're all just bozos on this bus (shout-out to Firesign Theater.)

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At least Lara Logan is on the Fox Entertainment Channel where she belongs instead of working for a legitimate news organization.

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