Deepak Saxena had my favorite Brexit quote, "ā€œI am an Indian and I can tell you that Brits take forever to leave.ā€

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Given what the government, FBI, and the media have done to Chelsea Manning, Reality Winner, Eric Snowden, Julian Assange and John Kiriakou, don't hold your breath waiting on someone to take the moral high ground and release the report to Wikileaks. We don't deserve their sacrifice.

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"Plains-wanderer chicks are just the cutest!" Oh, hell, I want to be reincarnated as one. Those big feet! They are as cute as baby plovers. Remember the baby primates who would rather cuddle a toweling "mother" than eat? PWCs will also find parent substitutes: https://www.theguardian.com...

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"The Amazin's "

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It's infuriating. Especially since Biff is doing it for no other reason than he can. I keep sounding the alarm that this is not about illegal immigration or securing our borders. Biff and his minions like Stephen Miller are out to ethnically cleanse America of nonwhites. Targeting immigrants, legal or otherwise, is just Phase I.

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The must frustrating thing about cancelling military construction projects to pay for the stupid wall has got to be that Pentagon officials must know that it's going to be tied up in the courts for years and it's never going to happen anyway.

But needed projects, including mitigating mold in base housing, continue to be stalled.

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I've been there, it is staggering.

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This bullshit about deporting service members is boiling my fucking blood. They are the fucking best of us and Trump is wiping his ass with the promises the American government has made to them.

I am so fucking angry.

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He also said very nice things about his girlfriend, MORGAN FAIRCHILD.

Uh...yeah, that's the ticket!

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We only have normal sized trees here, but we do have a special red squirrel. They are only found in a few places in the UK and one of those is on the island where I live. If you know where to look then they will daintily eat a walnut out of your hand before scampering off like a little orange ribbon. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Two things:

1) "Politico notes even the Freedom Caucus is revolting" Yes, yes indeed they are.

2) Fuck the Air Force Academy's chapel. That place is a hotbed of right wing lunatic "Christianity" and should probably be done away with. (The chapel, not the Academy. Of course, it wouldn't hurt if there were fewer fringe "Christians" hanging around the place. Case in point: https://www.newsweek.com/tr...

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Wow! look at the size of those trees! Proper fairytale setting - sure there isn't a unicorn around?

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There is literally zero incentive for the EU to offer them the same trading rights. It is amazing that some of them still don't understand this (others are just straight-up lying).

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And my client that I had such hopes for is just shitting on me ten ways from Sunday. Working really hard to lose all the fucks I was giving in that corner.

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Theresa May to Parliament: ā€œOK so I brought you a shitty deal and you hate me for it. To sweeten that deal, I will offer to resign if you approve the shitty deal. If you accept this offer, woohoo! you still get a shitty deal! I on the other hand have to retire to a lucrative career of writing and speaking gigs, while claiming I succeeded and went out on top. So itā€™s a win-win for everyone!ā€

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House voted no on that Wed. The easy way is for sissies.

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