Yes, maybe they are Borat imitators.

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As always. it is something we hoof to do.

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OK. That is the obvious problem.The house has a history of leaking from day one. Since it is basically an upside down swimming pool made of gunite and rebar, alterations would be very expensive (the good news), or unpossible. There may have been some chicanery to get it permitted and built and passed (this is my surprised face). I ponder the delimma of replacing appliances, as their spaces were built to fit. Our house is boring, but we are looking at difficulties in replacing appliances as they have been getting bigger over the last 40 years.Lastly, the preponderance of dated hipster stained glass, built in windows and the mystery of what happens when you have to open a wall for some reason makes my Scots skepticism kick in.And then there are the neighbors.......On the positive side, you would never forget which house was yours!

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Meh, I've lived on a busy through street for 40 years. Not ideal, but you get used to it.

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Seriously? The sloth has become my spirit animal.

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No, you don't. Unless freeway noise excites you

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"Cherish the weird, as it is the future" - I am cherishing that. Very nice.

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OK, that is brilliant, and I can't laugh as loudly as it deserves, where I happen to be.

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Yes, thanks. That's a good one. Love Kipling in spite of a few quirks.

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On NPR, that is totally understandable.

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Epiphanies appear to be in the springtime air.

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Re the 4 blokes in lime green mankinis. As long as they are nice to the horse and tip the driver well, I say lettum go. Lime green is not my colour, but c'est la vie.

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Thanks for the sloth, Dom.

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The Flintstones, you say?


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Tim Reid?

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I'm not sure, actually. Just heard on NPR that they're headlining Divas for one of their big fake wrestling things, and assumed they would follow the Ryder/Stanley/Water Polo Cup model.

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