Cat turds: still more news than Fox.

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Except for the 'fucking' part. He's not getting any of that without someone being paid.

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The "Little House on the Prairie" series, was........um.....educational, I guess

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Stable Genius: "This is the end of my presidency, I'm fucked"

For once, he spoke the truth

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looks more like they are walking on the bottom, and there is no butt sniffing going on. Strange behavior, indeed.

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You know who else doesn't fuck around when it comes to data? The Cherokee Nation. You know, the folks who suffered grievously in the Trail of Tears and dissed Senator Warren on her claim of Cherokee heritage ( they were a bit snippy in that regard in my opinion.) But I live in Oklahoma and they say that the Cherokee Nation is second only to the LDS folks in genealogy. And they have an understandable dog in this fight because of their experience in the Trail Of Tears. They want to make sure you have a legitimate claim of their heritage.

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Every single kittyI've ever known has HATED water!! Whenever I've had to give any kitty that's ever owned me I've been shredded into a tattered rag by a raging kitty that IS NOT GOING TO GET WET! I'm simply amazed!

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As one should..

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The tendency of the rest of us to give people the benefit of the doubt, the simple human tendency to accept what we're told as true,

These both are and are not things. They apply most consistently if you are WHITE and MALE.

Otherwise, you will get systematically scapegoated for the faults of others and NEVER given the vaunted "benefit of the doubt".

And I do mean never. Since we're talking about the American justice system and the fact that that same William Barr who is lying to us now and whom literally dozens of national media pundits near-reflexively gave that same "benefit of the doubt" -- not one of those people was asked WHY they gave that benefit of the doubt on the air ... and of those who were asked it off the air (and I know this in part bc I asked several who offered it, repeatedly, and I know others far more prominent and celebrated for service asked it as well, in more than one feed) ... there was no response. The silence was deafening.

#ImplicitBias is a real thing that both positively affects privileged lives and disproportionately damages, sometimes destroys -- and sometimes even takes -- the lives of the already marginalized.

#MediaBias is a similar thing (look at what's going on with the scapegoating of Ilhan Omar right now all the way down to her abandonment by white "establishment" Democrats ... even those who are implicated in worse scandals).

If we're going to talk frankly about ways to combat authoritarian propaganda efforts in our democratic system, we *really* need to not forget that.

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You're a better person than I if you actually have arms left after washing a cat.

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Wait, didn't PornHub also step up and put out some Sex Ed/Safe Sex videos a while back? This is a VERY strange timeline we live in.

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Cuz they’re paid midlife-crisis actors? Oh, wait...

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Yeah, but the nazi ones are flipped the opposite direction.

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By "select members of Congress" does Barr mean Republicans?

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Thanks, I needed Nathan and Winnie. I also shared the beesexual vid.

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The kitty paddle looks suspiciously like the doggy paddle.

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