Nah.I do one thing on faceplant: participate in a hobbyist hidden group. They only have an email that I do not bring onto my computer. I haven't filled out any non-required info. The required info I gave was false.I have had to drop accounts and create new ones twice - I think because I forgot my password, maybe. They locked my account and said that I had to upload a scanned photo ID. They assured that it would be quickly deleted. Yeah right, fuck you. I created a new account and contacted the owner of the group through another site to send my new username an invite to join.

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Frog. Boiling water.

(Hint: don't throw him into already boiling water, heat it up niiiice and slow)

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All it takes is an Etsy account, and a Paypal/Square/payment processor of choice.

Go for it.

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*ahem* Turtles McConnell

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But but but the world would have to suffer through more Dame Peggington WSJ columns.

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Totally. 🤤 I also was completely groggy by 1 AM last night. Because I listened to all the videos on YouTube of MSNBC coverage of the report. They just kept coming. While I played a game on the iPad. Best most low intensity way to absorb the information.

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No, but they have PANTHERS in Florida!! 😍😍😍 #BlackIrony

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BTW, is that background taken from Dianetics?

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I'm starting to come around to this idea. The base will paint any actual move to impeach as Dem overreach, and it will dominate the 2020 cycle, instead of bread & butter policies that Dems can win on. But mostly because the Senate will never convict, due to too many Republican senators completely abdicating their responsibility to our country. If he were to be acquitted in the Senate before the election, that could be a Doomsday scenario.

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Zombie Sanders?

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Exhibit 1: AG William Barr. Plus Mitch isn't done taking over the entire US judiciary yet.

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Florida too. Especially in the cities. California was really good about lane changes and letting people over, they were the best drivers as far as being skilled at not hitting each other.

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They view it as showing weakness here in Florida, and the Nascar wannabes will rush to get by you.

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Peeps vs. Microwaves.

I think it was the sequel to Alien vs. Predator.

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