Talk about a quagmire, Eastasia is the tar pit of mud holes.

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Some dumbass kid who sued a Kentucky high school for excluding him from school activities due to not having been vaccinated for chickenpox has now contracted the chickenpox. The little shit initially made a big stink about religious exemptions, but I guess God (or whatever) didn't get the memo.The face-eatingest leopard just ate the biggest face.

Following the complete clusterfuck in Venezuela, Trump is beginning to question his own hawkish foreign policy. WaPo reports national security mustache John Bolton has pissed off Trump World by trying to shove the US into a conflict with Venezuela's dictator, Nicolas Maduro, and his simultaneous saber rattling at Iran. Business Insider reports that Bolton and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo have a hard-on for a war with Iran, and there's suspicions that Bolton is twisting flimsy Israeli intel to support his infamous "bloody nose" policy. Yesterday, in response to the US moving a carrier air wing into the Middle East, Iran said they would no longer comply with the JCPOA, causing EU members to issue a joint statement pleading with Iran to calm the fuck down.https://assets.bwbx.io/imag...

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We have always been at war with Eastasia.

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The next generation of incompetent dirty grifters.

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Putin's hard work paying off.

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Maybe I should have looked for the version from Live and Kickin'. He does do a good live show, doesn't he?

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Um I ADORE HRC and DiFi and up till now I respected Pelosi but I'm not a mindless worshipper. i will question elected officials and hold them accountable just like good *normal* Democrats always have

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Yeah, isn’t it weird that some of us are getting really tired of all the shit directed at people like Nancy Pelosi, DiFi, and HRC.

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Why aren't they coming after you for being concerned about Pelosi like they did to me? Is it because I haven't posted here much before?

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I just got piled on by Nancy lovers

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My Jewish spidey sense is tingling, and it is frightening me. Nancy, what the entire fuck is wrong with you?

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It is easier to kick little kids in the teeth, because they're so low to the ground.

Sigh...I wish people could at least be decent to kids, fer chrissakes. It's not their fault their parents are poors.

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I'm genuinely glad I'm old. If we go full on fascist, I've probably only got 20 more years to suffer.

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You'd think people could NOT be shitheads when kids are involved.

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