Canadians will make sure Trudeau meets Cruz at the border...personally.

With Mounties.


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I agree with this. People don't seem to know (Trump included) that there already is an Air Force Space Command.


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But smart, too. I have wondered very seriously if his adventures in Bosnia were intended as a lead up to other things, with the contingency plan of securing a supply of Serb "settlers" to funnel elsewhere if they lost.

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Your being much to kind !

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And Slobodan Milosowitz was a batshit crazy meglomaniac.

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Senator Anchor Baby was born in Canada. Canada is not a Hispanic country. The alleged father was Cuban.

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The Trump ,Kushner ,Adelson , Fundamentalist ,AIPAC pander fest, just adores the biggest Concentration Camp in the modern world : Gaza .Well money talks and not having any walks .

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The United Methodist Church has been sufficiently outraged it is sending The Elf a strongly worded letter condemning the child snatching at the border. I'm glad. Maybe it's too little too late, but it's more than they've done on most issues and they are stumbling on LGBT issues. (They can't handle Q on top of the other 4 letters.)

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Don't know about Poland in particular, but renewed ethnic feuds are par for course in the ex communist world. The whole Bosnian war of the 90s was pretty much a delayed sequel to feuds and atrocities in WW2.

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These are e really crazy MoFos.

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It will s a crazy-assed Site I ran across by accident. It is some of the most insane anti-Trump, anti-Semitic crap I have ever seen.I just wanted to let folks know there are crazier people than the ones at Breitbart or Am Ren.

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Let me rephrase. Manned space flight became less important. Yes, military and surveillance satellites, and perhaps low space attack drones a a big portion of out military.But a Space Corps? Given the we don’t have a launch vehicle to put men into space that seems like a waste of time.I’m in Houston. I would love to see more funding for NASA, especially for manned flight. I don’t see a reason to tuck this into the military.

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Wow. I did not know that.

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You have a point.

I too struggle as a socialist with the compromises I have to make because I know how little value token resistance merits.

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Sadly, we do. Robert Fisk; Noam Chomsky; Ben Norton; Michael Treacey; all those who agree that "those dead children are just crisis actors". Or "their parents did it to them themselves to get sympathy".

Plot twist: the dead children are in a basement in Douma, Syria, and the "crisis actors" are apparently paid by the State Department to smear the poor poor pitiful totally-not-a-fascist-dictatorship of Bashar al-Assad.

The Left is infested by a braindead idea that "US imperialism is not just a bad thing but THE ONLY REAL BAD THING IN THE UNIVERSE", and Putin, Kim Jong Un etc are misunderstood public servants just trying to do right by their people. I say this as a communist myself who is sick and tired of these fuckin' fascists pretending to be on my side.

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when this all over and the democrats are left trying to clean up this mess and salvage what's left of our international reputation the conservative "elites" will declare themselves to be the real victims here while the "primitives" (not to mention their mouth breathing counterparts in right wing media) will descend into even more outlandish conspiracy theories that the MSM must then somehow try to treat as credible.

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