We'll leave that up to you, as we've never bothered to master adding GIFs.Bon chance in your quest:)

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If they are the Democratic nominees, we still have to vote for them.

That said, I would be happy to take a big steaming dump on their windshields every morning for the next two years, if only I were independently wealthy and could afford the Ex-Lax.

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Also criminal.

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And those are the two correct usages of 'womp womp'. Corey Lewandowski's.... isn't.

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Also, the "sudafed" they have out on the shelf now ("PE") sucks balls.

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Decongestants/pedant pharmacist.

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That is a real possibility. Trump has been pretty Teflon so far.

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I second that. Pelosi's job is NOT to set the direction of the party or set policy; it's to make sure everyone votes the way they're supposed to when they are supposed to. It's an ADMINISTRATIVE job, and there's no one better in the Democrat Party.

You want someone else in that job? Fine. Wait until AFTER the mid-terms to start talking about it.

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I have no problem believing Drumph is so arrogant he thinks he will come out unscathed regardless of what Cohen may have on him. And why wouldn't he? It's not like he's been held accountable for anything in his entire life...

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Only Satan would put black text on a deep red background to render it unreadable. EEEVIL!!!

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Everyone knows the founding fathers only intended the first amendment to protect speech if it makes librulz cry.

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the very people who are bragging about this policy and how tough it is will soon be making the rounds whining about how they're being persecuted. but the worst part is The Beltway Media and NYT will play along with it because that is who they are now.

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Of course they do. Melanoma arrived on an Einstein visa, awarded to folks for their extraordinary talents (in her case, we suppose, nude modeling) which would benefit our nation. Her parents came under chain migration provisions. They LERV this system when it works for them.

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WHA WHA is now my go-to response to anyone who espouses any form of bigotry. Also too, hypocrisy.

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Very well done, Bill. Every one of these vermin need to be publicly exposed - repeatedly - for exactly what they are.

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