Ah. I lost the concept of "tainted money" after I learned how much dark money lives in politics.

Tainted values, or total psychopathy, on the other hand, depends on social validation. SHS doesn't hurt for money. She hurts for acceptance, and a world order in which she can live any hypocrisy and not get called on it. Such as representing and lying for a man like her boss.

If I want to make my opinion "matter" when voting didn't do it, then I need to know what matters to the offender and get their attention that way.

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I'm still working through how I feel about this. Maybe don't take her money because it's tainted?

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Well, I certainly wouldn't want to be called "it," though I can see how, within the community, it might have some currency (like "ni-CLANG" within that community). However (as I have mentioned elsewhere) my g.f. teaches at local community colleges, and showed me a sheet of questions recently that was designed to elicit what various gender-fluid students wanted to be called. Along with he, she, they, and xe, there was "it." So someone at least seems to officially think it's a thing.

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EXCELLENT use of words!

(It is a word.)

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Bad behavior gets her fed for free? I don't get it...

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State Department employees are finding Mike Pompeo is even worse than REXXON as he installs incompetent Trump loyalists in key positions, and leaves big operational holes in others.And what happens after Pompeo's YOU'RE FIRED?

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Er, Mr/Ms Aussie, you might want to fight the concentration camp on Manus Island :(

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Wonkette regulars used to think it was hilarious trans-baiting Anne Coulter. :(

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They cry "no fairs" when someone even thinks about treating them the way they treat everyone else.

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From the pictures, it seems to have some smallish dark green canopies on a few windows although you'd be hard pressed to tell the state of them from any picture. I seriously doubt he's ever been there. Either he read it in a fake Yelp review, or something like that.

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I love all the "staged!" "trained!!1!" comments. So what, asshole, your mother tried to train you to clean up after yourself, do you?

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I don't know about seeking them out and harassing them, but I am kind of feeling the public shunning. Seriously, these people should be shamed. I perhaps wouldn't have asked SHS to leave, but if I were serving I would refuse tip and tell her why. If I were the owner, I would probably refuse her money, and tell her why.

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A lovely young lady I once knew had a '65 Olds Cutlass which her then ex-husband had shipped to the mainland when he was transfered. She sold it the first winter. No heater.

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Absolutely agree with you.

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A mountain in Alaska?

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