I'd vote for her!

I suppose that might be more appealing if I lived in Germany or something.

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...and has accepted 1.3+ million refugees since 2015, without yet setting a quota. That's how a first world country that's not afraid of the future behaves. "Home of the brave" my ass.

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unexpectedly self-aware, actually

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Ben, Ben, Ben. All those big words and you never saw this coming?

I still wonder why you get away with the "intellectual conservative" descriptor.

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Pee Hookers 2: Electric Boogaloo.

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She'd be basking in the world's adulation and win an easy re-election. For life.

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They couldn't afFord to Toyota the party line.

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Breeeathe with me!


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You see, even the most hawkish of previous Presnidents realized "peace over there means less bullcrap for us to deal with here", but today? That's Leftish nonsense. "We've always been at war with Yuurp" because Donnie has the best brains, and not at all because Putin said so.

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The same women who often had them, in the hospital, with an epidural so they didn't suffer. (This happened in my city.)

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. Donny is different OK , say no more !!!!!!!.

One amazing photo with Trump and NATO leaders says it allGRACE PANETTAJUL 12, 2018, 6:53 AM


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This from the woman who thought it was perfectly cromulent to stand in front of the turkey grinder to make word salad.

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They are wrong. She'd be given €1000 and a new hat for her service.

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Here's a quick recap of all the damage Trump has done to civil rights and global stability in one year. You may need the booze...

That staggering list convinced me that Trump is profiting from opioid sales.

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HHS Secretary Alex Azar went on CNN and said Trump's baby jails were "one of the great acts of American generosity and charity,".

Absolute, definitive proof that there is not a caring and/or vengeful deity watching over mankind.

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