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It was "The Thing That Wouldn't Leave"...


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Great point! Let's make American mud puddles equal opportunity! No gender discrimination when it comes to getting down and rolling around. And eating it, if you're into that sort of thing. Thank you!

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And France's daughters; women serve in combat roles in the French military.

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Stop, drop, and roll (a doobie).

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Hey, girls splash around in mud puddles, too! And apparently I ate the mud, too.

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ou are right about that, but the heavy duty effort started in 2012

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Of course. Or course he would listen to Macron and not May or Merkel. Canโ€™t put my finger on WHY. And that man has taken just as much shit from 45. He just hides his seething resentment better.

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There's a link between racism and authoritarianism. Unless/until we're ready to deal with the (no so latent) racism in this country, our democratic values are still very much in danger.

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They've been after HRC a lot longer than that. She was the one who warned us of "a vast right-wing conspiracy" all the way back in the '90s. She was right about that, and right about tRump. As a woman with a genuine shot at assuming the presidency, she was the real threat to the status quo!

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There s a quiet GOP operation to derail Democratic 2020 hopefuls underway, and they've already started building over a dozen different oppo files on political and business leaders who might have the balls to grab Donald Trump by the pussy.

This is no surprise and the list with a dozen names is a huge benefit to the Dems compared to the 2016 election.

The right wing propaganda machine recognized Hillary as the heir apparent in 2012 and spent four years vilifying her and besmirching her. The sheer volume of the negative propaganda about Hillary succeeded in making many people thinking Hillary is the devil incarnate. That deeply rooted animosity is why Trump and the propaganda machine still trot out Hillary as a distraction several times a week.

If there are a dozen names, the propaganda machine has no hope of creating that level of hatred for any of them. It can only be viewed as a positive.

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Look, what you do in your bedroom is your own business. I don't want to know..... (grin)

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Or popcorn. Or any other uncovered dish that splashes around like a little boy in a mudpuddle.

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