If there was ever a baby critter that deserved to be memorialized as a plush stuffed toy it is the little musk ox babies. Too cute for words.

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Best of luck, of course.

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You and Chuck Berry - that's pretty good company.

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Of course I love the music of James Brown. It's what it engendered I have a hard time with. Where rhythm and beat become the entire line, melody drops below the importance line and sometimes disappears altogether. It's like (but much worse) than when rock and roll became just rock. I realize I'm at odds with a lot of music since, but melody is the heart of music for me...

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I think he would have totally loved it. That's cool!

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I have brief moments of lucidity lasting about 10 minutes right after the Valium kicks in but before it carries me away to la-la land in which I can actually have coherent thoughts and type. This is one of those moments. I see the surgeon tomorrow. Wish me luck!

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Whichever. Get your cuddles in stat, cuz it's going to be the size of an Escalade before long.

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That is a baby musk ox. Not a bison.

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<blockquore>Trump apparently Googled himself at 3AM and immediately started shitposting that Google was "rigged" to suppress conservative voices and show "bad" stories him.

The King of Social Media Bullies uses social media to whack social media to reframe next week’s congressional hearings on Social Media to be about how he’s the victim of social media.

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That's a Metric fuckton of fuckery!

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Yay ! Weird Al rules !

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House Republicans are setting their sights on Bruce Ohr, one of the last the Justice Department officials who could serve as a witness to Trump's Russian fuckery. Ohr's the guy who spearheaded investigations into the Russian mob over the last few decades.I wonder *ahem*RUSSIA*ahem* they got THAT *ahem*PUTIN*ahem* idea from? *ahem*FSB*ahem*

Giuliani is Giuliani-ing (again) and says that he hasn't heard from Robert Mueller in weeks.Because Mueller (and the entire rest of the intelligent world) know Giuliani's got nothing to offer.

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Wouldn't it be a shame if Trump's fragile ego were further bruised when the top Google stories connected to Trump were about how Pence can't wait to replace him?

I know I wouldn't Google those kinds of stories out of respect for BLOTUS.

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Thunderdome. The answer is ALWAYS Thunderdome.https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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Clearly these people were always there and just now feel empowered to let their asshole flag fly openly.

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