Her life may not be ruined. Anita Hill did well after her allegations about Thomas even though he still made it onto SCOTUS.

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True. Did you see her interview withJohn Oliver? She should've been the one nominated to SCOTUS instead of that useless, gross predator Thomas.

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He already gave a letter of resignation and dated it. Just a matter of whether it will be used or if he's more useful to them this way.

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Lemme guess: one of them is just too old for this shit.

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Tony and Fiona, not sitting in a tree....

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Remind me, who's James Woods?

Oh, to the fucking assholes who designed and demand that the fucked up American flag on the right shoulders of uniforms and sides of planes - FUCK YOU ASSHOLE(S)! Display the American flag correctly or put your head(s) in a bucket of water and breathe deeply for ten minutes. Only morons would have the flag displayed that way - MORONS!

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He was odd. That he became a RC priest may or may not be relevant.

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"Mr. President, can I give you a hug?" I mean come on!!! It's not like the kid was asking for Donald Trump to put forward any physical or emotional effort!! It's not like the kid was asking Donald Trump to expend any of his precious life force, his juju.. He was just asking for Donald to be a surrogate human being while he administered him a hug. Turns out the kid got to hug Donald Trump after all, but why???? :.....( https://www.wral.com/weathe...

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Oh yeah, We all know Marcus is a torturing thug, who should have been jailed long ago, and a big closet case.

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i was just going to post this.

10 hours too late (i fucking hate my job).


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Kid didn't get a hug from President Trump. Too bad he didn't ask for a roll of paper towels to the face.


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I found that Sen. Whitehouse sent him a bunch of follow up questions in writing, but I can't find anything about them bringing it up in committee. Maybe they felt like it wouldn't get them anywhere anyway.

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That's exactly why Sen. Feinstein held on to the information as long as she did--in the hopes that all the other negatives would derail the nomination without Dr. Blasey Ford having to be brought into it at all.

And nope, cold-as-ice Hillary would never hug people. See? https://uploads.disquscdn.c... https://uploads.disquscdn.c... https://uploads.disquscdn.c... https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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RIP Warren.

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I know, I just don't remember seeing anything about his finances coming up in the hearing. Maybe I just missed it. It wouldn't have done any good, I suppose.

The MAGAts will never be convinced that Hillary is even human. "She's hugging children to lure into her basement!!1!STAGED!1!!!BANGHAZIEMAILS!!!!"

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thank you. I had the patience to read the books but not to see the movies so it occurred to me that he was Saruman the White

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