Great it's "Open Thread" time again! Let's see what BS we can post about today that has absolutely nothing to do with the post at hand!

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Case by case basis? Hunter -pass. Laquan - prosecute. Julie - pass. Aialayah - prosecute.

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Trump's brand IS chaos, so I also found that a bit amusing.

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How art thou, thou globby bottle of cheap, stinking chip-oil? Come and get one in the yarbles, if you have any yarbles, you eunuch jelly thou.

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When this news first broke, I happened to be on Fox “News’” web site. I go there occasionally to find out what kind of garbage my parents are swallowing hook, line, and sinker.

The comments on that story were just about as bad as you’d think. One gentleman claimed that there were 1,100 double votes and that they were ALL from registered Democrats. Finding that hard to believe, I did look around for a breakdown by party, but couldn’t find anything. So, thanks for providing that info.

Anywho, even after finding out that the double votes had been caught, I was amazed by the number of folks over there proudly and publicly announcing their intention to commit voter fraud. Could be hot air, I know, but it’s still telling that their first thoughts are cheating to win.

These people who claim to be more patriotic, love America more, pledge their undying love for The Constitution, and are all about following the rules and law & order... yeah, they’re the ones who don’t really give a crap about any of that. They just want to WIN!!!

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Raffensperger is obviously preparing to be the next Governor. He will mysteriously win.

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This actually happened for the MD race to replace The Honorable Elijah Cummings.

Never got the mail ballot.

Requested an electronically delivered ballot to print at home... then my damn printer ran out of ink during the height of covid scarcity.

Went to vote in person. Since technology allowed the lovely gentlelady poll workers to see that i has previously requested an electronic ballot, the gave me a provisional ballot and I voted.

This really ain't rocket science, y'all.

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Fucking Kemp. He needs to be investigated for election fraud

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My deceased friends wife knew him in his school days, he's always been an ass.

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As William Kennedy wrote in Roscoe, his novel about the Albany machine: "People say voting the dead is immoral, but what the hell, if they were alive they'd all be Democrats. Just because they're dead don't mean they're Republicans.''

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I don't know how it happened but one of my great great grand dad's name changed from meaning "good looking" to "large rodent"

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WowI'm glad I worked later than usual

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56 days.JFC I don't know how I am going to be able to do this.

I can early vote starting next Friday. I need to try to do that

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Sure, but I sympathize for the folks who have to work that day, when it is complete idiotic insanity.

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Especially one with good lumbar support.

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