I am far from out of those...

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If you had 'boner spurs' then it would be a dick joke and thus patriotic!

Have a great day!

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I mean, sometimes being an America-hating radical is like...


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I eat pretty much anything that doesnt require a knife or spoon with chopsticks, it is so easy and convenient to carry a pair around in your purse.

Have a great day!

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I watch a lot of a UK TV program called "Escape To The Country" and they are always showing fields of flowering yellow rape plants all over rural Britain, and saying that people take bus tours just to see them and photograph them. On one episode they visited a Canola factory and went into raptures about how safe and healthy it is. This confuses me...my British friends are always harping on the unhealthy nature of GMO foods and wanting to raise their own organic vegetables and get chickens so they can have fresh eggs, but then they eat canola oil. I am mystified.

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Fuck the (pol)ICE.

"We were just following orders! Orders which must be obeyed without question!"

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I thought his favorite fat was Donald Trump's ass.

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It sounds pretty hot, when you describe it like that...

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Is that like being a member of the National Geographic society? Or does the ACLU get you something?

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Never be ashamed of coveting someone else's Mexican food...that's my motto...

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That's monstrous!

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My British friends as well. I suspect it's something to do with it being a British product - excuses tend to be made for "our" stuff. I've given up trying to understand.

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In France, steak a l'americaine is basically steak tartare. Very confusing because Americans tend to be afraid of raw meat.

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What part of "this is a child, a vulnerable child," doesn't ICE or Trump Idiots understand? Do any of them have children? Why do they give even one fuck where she was born? Where the fuck am I? In what alternative reality/universe am I? Who are these "law enforcement officers" who think it's EVER okay to ARREST a 10 year old, for any fucking "crime?"

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