Because we don't know what's going on beneath them!!!!!!

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One of my all-time faves....


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Grace Lynn should be governor of Florida.

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If you guys want to continue making me out to be the sole parent in all of this and give me the power that I can have all these books removed...

Actually, lady, it wasn't us that gave you that power. It was Ron DeShithead.

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Cutting edge county.

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Better soundtrack would've been Bowhemian Rhapsody.

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LOC classifications or GTFO.

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Snort! They tried to run that "palmetto bug" crap on me in New Orleans. Not buying it. THose are ROACHES.

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Wonder Woman! For sure.

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"It's warm. There's no snow. We have the ocean. COL is cheaper." _My FL son with the Q loving wife

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Not everyone has the money to pick up their household and relocate hundreds, if not thousands of miles away, leaving behind family and friends - friends not only of the parents but of the children.

I literally cannot fathom why anyone, but especially anyone who thinks they have more than two brain cells, would insist that other people should "get the fuck out."

Where exactly do you propose these refugees go?

Have you set up a funding mechanism to reimburse people for the costs of relocating?

Knee jerk victim blaming like yours chaps my ass.

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Banning 'Fahrenheit 451' is about as telling as it gets. A book about the dystopia that arises when books are outlawed is DEFINITELY something conservatives want to hide from the next generation they're trying to groom into baby fascists.

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Absolutely. And there is more than a "smattering" of them. They are fucking EVERYWHERE. And they fly — PLAPP!!! — right onto your windows and TV screen at night because they lurve the light. Florida? Anywhere down there? No thanks.

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It's just TOO HARD to talk to your own kids about your family/religion/community's values! We should just not let kids look at things! And, lest they hear about the existence of Unapproved Things from a friend, we MUST make sure that THOSE kids ALSO don't have access to things of which we disapprove!

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Building the future ranks of the "Why don't my kids call me or come home for the holidays anymore??? It must be Something Wrong With This Generation!" parents

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