You noticed that too, eh?

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On March 26th MinuteMom also tweeted:

"Two years ago, my LONG FORM birth certificate was denied at the motor vehicle agency because it didn't have a raised seal on it."

So this goofy bitch question's our current president's citizenship yet she'll accept the birth certificate prepared by what appears to be made from articles found at the Pottery Barn and a Hallmark store? And she want's a guy who has hair that looks worse than Kate Gosselin's backwards flying stork for President. What the hell is she drinking?

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Plus you'd have to wonder what kind of <strike>telepathy</strike> torture they'd use to determine true allegiance. Then there's the DNA testing to verify true parents.

As a bit of trivia, Gerald Ford was born "Leslie Lynch King, Jr", then wisely changed his name after his mother remarried. Pretty sure "Lynch King Jr" would have hurt with the African-American vote. Though first name "Leslie" might have locked up the coveted Leslie Nielson fans.

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The important thing is for the soldiers to refuse orders from Obama. That is the end-point for this game. Your move, birthers.

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MinuteMom, busy Freedom Fighter, also sez: <blockquote>I was born and raised in the city and I look forward to watching Giuliani do for the US what he did for NYC.</blockquote>Hooray, no more graffiti on US.<blockquote>Hubby just went out to buy a mega million ticket. Wish him luck!</blockquote>;and <blockquote>regardless of the certificate, constitution also states that both parents must have an allegiance to no other country but the US</blockquote>Yes, but what does <i>our</i> Constitution say?</blockquote>

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Minute Mom? Freedom Fighter?! Jingoistic, self-aggrandizing patriotism makes me puke.

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<blockquote>SHITHOUSE RAT </blockquote> Now hold on there, the 12th Amendment clearly states that his Is his hair is ineligible as VP, because it resides in the same state as Trump.

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Her moniker Minute Mom must refer to her attention span.

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MinuteMom also tweets: <i>Two years ago, my LONG FORM birth certificate was denied at the motor vehicle agency because it didn't have a raised seal on it.</i>

Yeah, it didn't have a raised seal because it was an INTERNET FORGERY! MinuteMom is just another KENYAN DEEP PLANT AGENT, trying to lure true USA AMERICANS with the siren song of JAMAICAN=KENYAN LITE POSEUR Donald Trump.

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Still waitin' on Jesus' birf certificate.

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freedom fighter??? <i>freedom fucking fighter</i> ??!?!??!? what the fuck have you EVER fought for lady 'mom'? what have you ever had on the line??? go to fucking libya or tibet or burma or afghanistan or death row in fucking texas and then talk about 'freedom fighting'.

god. and sorry i got no snark. that fucking moniker really pissed me off.

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Via Crooks & Liars: <i>Called in by Fox News to deconstruct President Obama's speech, she wonders aloud whether the Libya action is a war, an intervention or a "squirmish".

The balance of her "opinion" is to be expected, but at the end, just after the "squirmish" drop, she goes on some weird tangent about the North Star and how it's a guide. </i>

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Three words "The Donald" needs to remember. Meg. Fuckin'. Whitman.

Look it up.

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Just remember the almost famous battle cry of the liberal perverts. Stap a two by four across my ass boys! I'm going in!

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Palin blocking inquiries from birthers? Does that mean Palin is less crazy or less opportunistic? Must be less crazy, the alternative is an impossibility.

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Well of course Trump is as crazy as any of the foaming birthers. Could anybody sane look in a mirror every day and think "great hair"? The last time I saw something like on top of a persons head it had a chin strap.

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