Possibly - and I'm just spitballing here - Ben is envisioning a guest role on the teevee show, until Jess(ic)a [sp?] poops out a few mites, when he will cash the check and escape.

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You are so right! My wingnut step-uncle wanted all of his boys to have multiple babbies, so the white peeps won't be outnumbered. He is a dick.

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Jeez, Snipy, I once pissed off a manager when i was a kid working at Wendy's and had to clean the men's room for a month. WTF did you do, sister? Steal all the drinkies? I think you should call your union rep! Wonkette does have a union, right? Like all good lefties do?

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I don't know; side hugs may lead to sideboobs.

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Oh God, this is a fucking production line.

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Some day, in the distant future, the popularity (and very existence) of this dreck will require book-length explanations.

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