So what sign are you?

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If any thought whatsoever is applied, the God squad and the deniers lose and lose badly.

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The supervolcano under Yellowstone will be really incredibly bad too. But it doesn't have tens of millions living on top of it. And is a prime mover in an economy that it the biggest out there. And at the least you get some sort of early warnings about an eruption.

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Nature starts forest fires, yet arson laws apply to forests. Why is that?

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I can try!

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This sounds like it could have come from the Fallout games soundtracks.

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Goes on the "to watch" list! Gracias

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Oh right. That's 'elitism' and 'telling us what to do'.


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Can somebody please explain to me how somebody as intellismart and likeable as Jess loses an election?

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And then he pepper-spray's you in the face.

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b) shout down anyone that disagrees

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I never heard of this woman before today and now I love her.

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Gateways to hell?

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It used to be the case until missionaries and priests turned up........

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"She blinded ME!" https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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That is gonna be a Girl Scout picnic compared to what will happen when the San Andreas lets rip. Something like 40 million live in California and they are pretty well fucked from that moment. Millions will die up front, there is no way to be able to rescue anyone when there will be nothing but smashed roads and fires. They won't be sending the military in either - the first thing your moron leaders will do is panic in case the Mexicans are going to be running over the border to attack you or the North Koreans are sending an invasion fleet. I won't even touch on what is likely to happen with another 40 million heavily armed 'patriots' decide to defend their faith or the 2nd Amendment. The economy may never recover from it.

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