"I was against Republicans before I was for Republicans by running against Republicans"

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Rules are for poor people, for Pete's sake.

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I think it proves they realize they can't win without Florida and need help with the Hispanic vote.

The idea Mitt has been harping for 4 years that Obama wasn't experienced enough to be president, but would nominate someone less experienced for VP, probably isn't any sillier than endorsing a national healthcare mandate in writing then denying he endorsed it, or saying he was against the auto bail-out then saying the auto bail-out was just like the idea he had...

Ugh, this guy!

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It's almost impossible for an adult to make a credible claim to being a Mormon if they don't also claim to be a priest, as far as I understand it. They seem to expect a much higher degree of involvement than most denominations. I've seen Mitt described as having been more akin to a bishop, although I don't really know on what basis.

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Light Brite?

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It's not the person with the gear, it's the gear of the person.

(I have no idea what that means except it reminds me of my old, "it's not the bike, it's the rider" days.)

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Not sure...but every time I see him talk, I would like to have a punch face interface.

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That makes me want to re-read "Get your war on".

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His excuse for this is he is going to say he only meant the Republican Party establishment in that state.

No, I'm serious. That will be his excuse.

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I can't wait for them to nominate Rubio so they can somehow claim he's just as qualified to be president as Obama was, despite being 10 years younger, a senator for less than 2 years instead of 4, and having never run a national campaign. I wanna hear this.

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Well, it is certainly nice to see people who aren't afraid to change their minds!

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Rebecca, isn't your new job almost a little too easy?

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If you tie it to the roof of a car on a long trip you can.

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I have strong feelings both ways and I intend to act upon them.

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I'd like to see them debate each other!

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