Even when she was a burrito wrapped newborn she had the look of a calm, old soul. I have a feeling she's going to grow up to be a special person with much wisdom.

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A labor of love. Thank you for sharing. Never had children and don't personally know any babies so the pix are a treat. (And yes, she really does look just like Mommy-wonkette.)

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I always thought most babbies, though not the most excellent DoRo, look like Winston Churchill (sans cigar and bowler obvs)

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That picture of Kaili and Donna Rose - you can see a yellow shirt sleeve to Kaili's right. That's *my* shirt sleeve - I'm famous!

Ha ha, I make lame joke. And Donna Rose is adorable and was most mellow during the Oakland drink-a-thon.

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Familiarity with the classics is important. Now, perhaps, more than ever.

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I've been binge-watching Mythbusters. Also helpful.

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...@Edixtrex: I'm not making this a "competition" or anything. But my babbbby would love to meet your babbbby!!!

**if you ever come to Miami**

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You know we have some growth hormones you could feed her. Get her into and out of the terrible twos in a month and a half!

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She is a beauty, and so smart. When does she get tenure?

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I'll be 69 next year. Stop staring.

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Another cutie. And a little camera-aware, like they are.

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To Donna Rose, Rebecca and Evan. Happy New Year. Peace on your house and all within.

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She will bring loving snark wherever she goes.

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Well, it seems like the human race has reached peak evolution with Donna Rose

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Thank you for this, Rebecca and Shy. My sons were once adorable babbies like that (well, obviously not quite as adorable), and now they're enormous guys who don't call enough and spend too much time playing video games. Point is, it was cheering to see these pix and remember the days of baby burritos.

Had a roller coaster year (Mr. Reader lost his job in March and then got a better job but we had to move 2000 miles away), but overall I think I did better than the world did. As Garry Trudeau once said about the '70s, it was a kidney stone of a year. Here's to a brighter 2016 and many more babby pics!

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Hmmm. Donna Rose looks like she's already reading at a higher level than most internet denizens.

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