The dude in the suit is known as "Foxler" and fancies himself as an "alt-right" type of guy, except it's impossible for him to be a Nazi because his (male) fiance is Asian (his words). Troll or not, his ilk have caused plenty of headaches in the furry fandom, especially for anyone who runs a convention.

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But aren't they participating by joining?

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I don't think so, not necessarily. Hanging out with a bunch of friends who make you feel like you belong, and also they talk politics that you don't pay a whole lot of attention to, is one thing. Participating in rallies and victimizing people is a line to cross.

I think about a documentary I saw about some reformed Nazi soldiers, how they'd been Hitler Youth and they sang all the songs about Jewish blood running in the streets, but didn't think about what they were singing. People can be like that.

I also think about this article ...


... and it makes me think that some Nazis-in-training are little more than misguided victims of bullying. I don't want to compound that problem.

That said, there is a line that can be crossed. Multiple lines, in fact; and the more lines they cross, the more I withhold my sympathy. A kid who started out as a victim can become the bully, and when that happens, his behavior becomes more relevant than his background.

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Now that you mention it, I'm very much hearing it in Scouse!

Sorry for the confusion <3

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Let's make January 20th (the anniversary of the best punch of 2017) "International Punch a Nazi Day"

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I think the rules are a little blurry when it comes to literal, actual Nazis.

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Well...as you can see, I'm hippie-druggie age, so we all did some nice acid with friends at a party in Lexington, and then at dawn we ALL joined everyone running down the hill to the common, feeling as though it was happening all over again. I will NEVER forget that. NEVER. The whole thing was enhanced (of course), even though I'd been there before many times when I was a kid.

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"I do not think that alt-right is unified by desire for an all-white state. Most of us would probably be well pleased with a solid white majority and an elite and government in which our interests are well-represented." --David Flory, 2016

We are perfectly capable of both understanding and articulating the myriad reasons that we abhor you and your ilk (hate doesn't quite cover it). First and foremost is our unmitigated revulsion at your nitpicking, hairsplitting denial of your blatant Nazism, even though you meet every known criteria of a Nazi, other than having been an actual member of the Third Reich.

It's not so much that we want to punch you, but carving a swastika into your forehead would require a steadiness of hand that many of us lack. Also, it's pretty hard to do to a person wearing a fox head. Consider yourself fortunate that the inevitable punches will be ameliorated by the headpiece.

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Did you wonder why David Flory -- a person who frequents A Return of Kings, The Right Stuff, The Ralph Retort, and the Occidental Dissent -- would suddenly show up here and comment? I did. He's the fucking Alt-Right Furry in the picture. https://twitter.com/foxotcw...

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That's so wonderful I can't even believe it.

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You know, I thought so. And I knew I recognized that name from somewhere.

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Nazi foxes fuck off!

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That's what baseball bats are for. The Bear Jew had some great ideas!

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Maybe I shouldn't have said "person." He'll probably be driven into an existential crisis by my failure to recognize his foxhood.

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ALL FOX-KINS MATTER (They do! 'Cuz foxes are amazing.)

But not him.

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