Ahrnold the governator left office in 2011.

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that's a feature, not a bug.

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Jonathan Kozol, maybe? At least I heard him say it in a talk once. But maybe he was ripping off Ivins...

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So not quite the same quote, but close:

They say, “Can you really solve this kind of problem by throwing money at it?” Conservatives love that word throwing. They never speak of throwing money at the Pentagon. We allocate money for the Pentagon. We throw money at anything that has to do with human pain. When they say that to me, I look them right in the eyes and say, “Sure. That's a great way to do it. Throw it. Dump it from a helicopter. Put it in my pocket and I'll bring it to the school myself.” I don't know a better way to fix the root problem.


My decaying undead kai memory is better than I thought!

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One step closer to the day when the biggest issue will be a weather delay.

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So, someone is amazed that poor black folk care about education? They haven't put aside money for it? Vote them the fuck out! Kick 'er to the curb!

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WEST VIRGINIA, state best known for poverty and black lungs, had their teacher walk out a years or so ago. State with money need to do better. Like Texas.

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The way budgets get 'balanced' by cuts to education, it's a miracle there's any schools left at ALL.

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^ BINGO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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My family is a proud CPS family, and I support the teachers' demands for smaller class sizes and support staff, especially since my kids' school lost its librarian and moved the drama/dance teacher to teach kindergarten (!) this year. Their PR has been total crap, though, and the city has taken advantage of that lack. First of all, they're not supposed to strike over non-financial issues, and one of their demands is apparently more affordable housing in Chicago. I understand that they are required to live in the city and the city is expensive; we absolutely need more affordable housing in Chicago (and I work in affordable housing), but I think they should probably stay in their lane on that one. With the raises the city has already committed to, the average CPS teacher will make $97,000/year. It's a hard job and I believe they absolutely deserve it, but the refrain they will hear is that most of the families they serve don't make that much and they have to work year round. Then you've got a group of charter school teachers using the CTU's twatter account to extol the virtues of the Maduro government in Venezuela over the summer. SMH. All this with the distinct impression that we have a new mayor, so the CTU goes on strike to prove its muscle, and you've got a PR disaster in the making.

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and there is absolutely zero doubt in my mind that the federal government if they were so inclined could Constitutionally create such rules and even create a national charter school/school voucher program. While the spending cause is the most direct route, i could also make an argument that Title V of the 14th Amendment provides Congress such authority. Indeed, public schools are already covered by Title V legislation such as Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, Title IX, Title VII, and IDEA.

And don't forget that that the current Department of Education is already a disaster in Title VII, Title IX and IDEA.

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I remember Harris and his so-called 'Common-Sense Revolution' and what it did to education and municipalities. Both my daughters went to public school back then, in our village's tiny four-room school. Ministry tried to shut it down for being 'underutilised,' which would have meant a lot of kids would be on a bus for TWO AND A HALF HOURS, BOTH WAYS, to get to the nearest school.So we did our own research, and discovered that the ministry had lied - school utilisation was something like 96%. highest in the province.tldr: Fuck the godsdamned provincial Conservatives and their war on kids.

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That sounds weirdly familiar. Will the US be shipping over any box cars?

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'But I think there's a lot of people who think that since they don't have kids in the public school system, they don't benefit from taxation.'This. My little village was largely service-driven for the summer people who owned million-dollar lakefront properties. Every damned year they'd circulate letters to the locals whinging about having to pay education taxes on their summer homes, since THEIR kids didn't use the schools. They even used to TELL US who to elect to local government, based on who would prioritise THEIR interests over OURS.Wankers. And people wonder why I loathe the wealthy.

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What does your lease say about them?

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My guess is still that all Erdogan had to do was threaten to take his name off the existing buildings.

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