Please don't forget the three other Americans who died that night:

Foreign Service Information Management Officer Sean "Vilerat" Smithhttps://www.somethingawful....

Security agents Glen A. Doherty and Tyrone S. Woods

And the many Libyans who also died or were injured in the fight.

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Of course! How else were you going to recover? I'm surprised you didn't get a complimentary pitcher of martinis, too. I say this as someone who misses the 1960s.

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They didn't serve them, but they did allow visitors to bring me beer. And yes, they had me on morphine, why would you ask?

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I put a frozen pizza in the oven.The oven isn't too clean, and the apartment has poor air circulation - the smoke detector beeped when it was ready.

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I thought it was ET that he was mad at? I tried cancelling my subscription to Entertainment Tonight to show my support for Trump, but whenever I called the TV station, they'd just start laughing and hang up on me.

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There's a song about it:


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That's one of those "sliding block" puzzles, right?

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Also, too, please not to forget that it was Republicans who had voted to cut security funding for all of our embassies about 6 months prior to the attack. Gotta pay for those tax cuts somehow!

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I notice no USA mentions, how rude ; D

Really, no Americas atall. We were late bloomers I guess : )

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Not ringing any bells.

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The Nile froze over, WTF? Its just a river in Egypt, as in, the desert. That seems unpossible.

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I follow a website called "Hey It's free", basically they just send you a daily email listing free offers(I've gotten tons of free samples). So today they have a free impeached sticker and trumpers are pissed. So funny to see the snowflakes melting down over a free sticker. The FB comments are ridiculous but the guy who runs it has some good comebacks. The link if you want to get your free sticker: https://www.heyitsfree.net/... https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Rush had a few things to say about 2112.

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The 'hindsight' jokes may not have been worth it.

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10/10/2020 ought to be a hoot.

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