Are they having such difficulty finding veins and successfully catheterizing because they don't have real medical personnel who are willing to commit murder for the state?* Is it because the condemned are struggling?
While I'm not particularly good at it myself, I've done enough veterinary work to tell you that this can be done, especially if a patient is strapped down.
So how are these murderers so incompetent?
*This seems unlikely given the existence of people like Florida's Surgeon General.
The newspapers always make it seem like after the execution, everything is now OK, like "justice has been served", as though once the execution has taken place, everyone forgets about the victim, and move on (which is true for the media but not the families)
Ah, the old "It happened in the past so we can never stop" argument.
On a less cranky note: I apologize for using the word precedent wrong. I will now flog myself until I feel I've had all the flogging I deserve.... done.
Why can’t they just have them touch a Fentanyl pill. That kills instantly.
Lithuanian fascist death squads (or as Lithuanians call them, "patriotic freedom fighters"), OTOH, loved every minute of it.
I did!
"I don't want the state to administer healthcare! State can't do anything right!"
And yet they trust them to execute people?!
Wish state sanctioned executions hadn't had to turn into an overt horrorshow for us to get up the will to stop doing them.
We're almost as bad at executing as we are at re-animating the occasional innocent executee. Paging Dr. Frankenstein.
That precedent was set long since.
Could we have people come in & spit on him every day @ noon & midnight?
Are they having such difficulty finding veins and successfully catheterizing because they don't have real medical personnel who are willing to commit murder for the state?* Is it because the condemned are struggling?
While I'm not particularly good at it myself, I've done enough veterinary work to tell you that this can be done, especially if a patient is strapped down.
So how are these murderers so incompetent?
*This seems unlikely given the existence of people like Florida's Surgeon General.
As always, it is those Other People who are affected.
Sadly, the lead singer of the Specials, Terry Hall, just passed away, only 63
The newspapers always make it seem like after the execution, everything is now OK, like "justice has been served", as though once the execution has taken place, everyone forgets about the victim, and move on (which is true for the media but not the families)
Yeah? That's disturbing.
Ah, the old "It happened in the past so we can never stop" argument.
On a less cranky note: I apologize for using the word precedent wrong. I will now flog myself until I feel I've had all the flogging I deserve.... done.
I like it! Adds some, uh, flavor, if you will to the punishment.
Black flight to another nation for 'rendition'. Happened hundreds of times under Bush. No complaints then. Hell, those guys didn't have trial.