Correction: 2023, The Year Repubs in Congress Did Jack Shit.

FYI: As a Dem, I would far prefer having cooties to having Repubs. Cooties are less verminous and far more productive in getting stuff done.

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Good stuff Stephen! I'm sorry to say Chipper Roy is right. They don't have anything to run on this year. They should all be thrown out of Office (IF only in my imagination, LITERALLY thrown out of Office) if not rounded up and Indicted. I'm sure the Speech and Debate Clause will save a good (I mean, bad) bunch of em! Most of them attempted to overthrow the US government for their own political gain.

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Another option would be to seal them all in their office with duct tape. Perhaps the ones clever enough to find a way out could stay in Congress.

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Less is best when the House is controlled by the gop. Infighting is the very best use of their time. Let’s take the House back this year and then get some good things done.

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Have seen 3 or 4 of the usual GQP politicians complaining that Pres Biden hasn't done anything to close the southern border. So I am wondering if ANY GQP senator or representative proposed ANY legislation this past year to do anything about the border?

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That mother's refrigerator thing really cut deep. Cold, Stephen. Real. Fucking. Cold.

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Long Cool Woman (In A Black Dress)

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Just one look, I was a bad mess...

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I love Elizabeth Olsen I think she’s awesome in those marvel movies and I’m thrilled she turned out really well despite growing up in a house with those spooky twins. AnyWho, I give you guys full marks for choosing a different celebrity who is born in 1989 other than the one who had an album commemorating her birth year, called 1989, and who just recently became a billionaire, and is like the biggest star in the entire world.

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Ta, Stephen. I hope you're enjoying your time off; we guess you wrote this before vacation. Happy New Year, also too, to you and your lovely family.

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>>1989, the holy year that gave us Elizabeth Olsen<<

Ah, SER wrote this article.

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Dow closed at another record high... Retail sales soar…Mortgage rates fell... Public health is restored. Why the fuck are we even having a serious discussion about Americans voting for Orange Foolious?

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For republicans not passing bills doesn't count as a failure because GOP voters don't send reps to congress to protect their kids from the ravages of unfettered capitalism or extraction industry led climate destruction, they send them to prove "government doesn't work!" and to own the libs.

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