Not nearly as much as Peter Strzok was INTO her!

But even THAT dwarfs Peter being into himself in an even bigger way, as the arrogance and self righteousness shown by Strzok throughout the hearing certainly hasn't come though as an endearing quality.

His mom would of slapped that smirk clear off his face, and probably also kicked his ass for being one had he talked to her with that war face on!

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They are dumb as dirt - she ran against him in 2012, 2014 and 2016 and that moron consistently gets north of 70% of the vote. I suspect that she's just a placeholder and no one expects anything from her except keeping ballot line. That a shame, but that's what Texas's skills at Gerrymandering did to that district.

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This is the opponent, she seems to have her hands full in a dumb as red dirt district, though:https://ballotpedia.org/Shi...

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This is a farcical echo of Lenin's tragic question, "Kto kogo" - "who whom", or who is going to do to whom. I say tragic question because Stalin answered it.

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I couldn't find any opposition to Louie for 2018. In 2010 he won with almost 90% of the vote. The people of that district appear to be dumber than dirt. Scary statistic - nearly 500k more Republicans voted in the Texas primaries than Democrats. That doesn't sound like there'll be any sort of "Blue Tsunami" in November.

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Who's running against him this election?

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Only Bob Mueller can ask THAT question.

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That was in "Das Unbehagen in der Kultur," wasn't it?

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You know, yours is only the third song I know that contains the word "Rohrabacher."

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In the Roman triumph, a victorious general had a man standing at his elbow in the chariot telling him through the thunder of the accolades "Remember that thou art mortal."

One senses that Louie has one to remind him: "Breathe in; breathe out. Breathe in; breathe out."

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Oops, sorry, I thought it meant "Which Whore Peed When." Do carry on.

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You gummed up the whole thread with that one.

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Louie G really needs to have someone open a giant can of whup-ass on him. After that a lifetime stay at locked ward with appropriate meds 4 times day for fucking ever.

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