The complete lack of commitment to public science and BRAINS! Yet, we got Facebook, so just stay inside and eat yer Pizza Pizza.

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Obviously you've never driven past housing projects in NYC, where crossing the street is an exercise in macho assholedom.

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Dream on ... they're the ones <i>inside</i> the SUVs. They're as likely to get hit in a crosswalk as Chris Christie.

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If there's one thing more un-American than hedonism, it's athleticism.


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Florida features median strips and roadsides with high curbs and automatic sprinkler-fed grass and no sidewalks, to be sure. It also boasts untold numbers of elderly SUV and Lincoln drivers in cataract sunglasses poised to pick off the stray Pedestrian Americans they fail to see.

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Meanwhile, in the hillbilly section of Florida, this is what we have to cope with: <a href="http://www.pnj.com/article/...|topnews|text|FRONTPAGE" target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.pnj.com/article/20110602/NEWS01/106020...">http://www.pnj.com/article/...

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You know who else wanted to build bigger roads with faster traffic?

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Welfare Queens with new Cadillacs would be safe from this hazard. If any existed.

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I believe that's called Washington AC.

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I'm still quick, so I'm good with this. My parents in Florida, not so much. Haha, just kidding, they drive an SUV and live in a nice planned community with sidewalks. Suck on that Bin Laden!

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